My dog is very sick.

Rick, I’m so sorry. We know our days are numbered with Angus (we just don’t know the exact number), and I know how hard it is.

With Brendan, he was diagnosed with leukemia on a Thursday and was gone the next Saturday- yep, only two days. We were given the “treatment” possibilities, and we went with “whatever he wants to eat, and tons of love, and sleeping with whoever he wants to.” It was a really good couple of days for him, and then we let him go.

Sorry, honey. But I have been there, and I hope you love him enough to do the right thing at the right time. He has had the best life any dog could ask for, and it needs to end with dignity, love and a lack of pain and suffering.


My dog wants to know why I’m sniffling. I didn’t explain, I just kissed her on her nose.

I’m so sorry, Rick. :frowning:

Again, thank you all for your support. Your kind words and thoughts are making it easier.

We don’t know just how long we have, but your love, sleep, eat, and more love is the program that we have in store for however long Indy has left. Indy will get a chance to try out his theory that everything really is better with bacon on it.

The thing that has always make Indy the happiest is having a house full of people at a party. Lots of people to get petting from, and more opportunities for snacks. So this Saturday we are having not just the kids, but all of Indy’s friends (of both the two and four legged variety) over for a BBQ, petting fest, and good time while he is still active enough to enjoy it.

Rick, I’m so sorry to hear about your faithful friend. I gave the kitties each an ear scritch in Indy’s honor.
Keep talking/writing, it helps. So do the tears.

I am sorry to hear about your situation. I have been in your shoes before. In some cases, it happens exactly as the vet says. In other cases, not. Don’t lose hope & enjoy your friend each day.

Sorry, Rick. It’s always so tough to lose a family member. I hope you’ll take comfort in the fact that Indy knows he was loved.

I think having a party for Indy is a great idea. Don’t forget to break out the camcorder.

Man, you are a great dad.

And Angus would like to assure Indy that yes, everything is better with bacon! I buy big bags of real bacon bits at Costco that go on Angus’ food at every meal (he often has to be enticed into eating because of all the pills- not that you’d know it from his huge girth…).

My heart goes out to you Rick. I lost my Bobbie girl in August 2004 to cancer in her sinuses that had spread. She was diagnosed in June – same symptoms as your Indy. She also sneezed up blood – it was awful. I made her as comfortable and happy as I could for as long as possible. Two days before she gave me “the look,” she was happily sticking her head out of the car for our trip to the DQ. There was much snuggling and ear scritching and belly rubbing in those months. I was there for the shot, hugging her – I felt her heart stop.
Anyway, I’ll be sure to give Joplin extra ear scratches and a vigorous belly rub tonight, plus an extra Beggin’ Strip in Indy’s honor.

I wish I could pet my puppy for you. You are a week and a day too late for her to benefit.

Please, no matter how much it pains you to let her go, let her go before she suffers too much. It is the kindest gift to a creature that has given you so much.

I’ll pet Jezzie’s urn and make sure she barks at the gates to keep out puppies that don’t have to be there yet. Please, give your dog a scratch for mine. Butt scratches are the best.

Don’t worry, I won’t let Indy suffer.
When it is time, I will do what needs to be done, I will not let him suffer.
I will go give Indy some love right now from Auntbeast and Jezzie.

I’m giving my two dogs extra treats and hugs tonight Rick. I know how you feel. I’ve been in your shoes and know the sorrow and sadness a pet’s illness can bring. Take comfort that Indy loves you and appreciates the good treatment you’ve given him over the years. When the time comes, know he’ll be comforted by the touch of your hand.

I’m so sorry to hear about Indy - it may be very small comfort, but at least you have the chance to say goodbye to him properly and get a little time to have one more go at all the things he loves to do.

My two feline fuzzbutts will be getting extra hugs tonight.

My pups got extra scritches and hugs from me last night, and a bunch of other dogs will from me today as well; I work at a dog wash. Lots of pups to love on.

I’m so sorry about Indy’s illness. I wish I could scritch him.

I’m so sorry, Rick. Extra scritches for all my critters tonight!

Rick, I’m so very sorry - we lost Eightball to cancer a few years ago and I remember how hard it was - it’s not something I ever want to have to go through again. After losing her, we adopted Baron from Save-A-Pet - it was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Please give Indy some love from Baron and I - we’ll both be thinking about you guys in the coming days…

Back during the 70’s, our dog got parvo. My father :slight_smile: must of loved that dog because he let the bill go to $1k+ at the vets. The doc said he would most likely die by tonight/early morning. :frowning: We were distraught such that the next day, no one wanted to call the vet and waited for them to call us instead. At about 3 in the afternoon, the dread call came…the vet said our dog had made a spontaneous recovery. :eek: We could pick him up probably by the next day. :smiley: He lived for another ten years. :wink:

I’m so sorry to hear that, Rick.

I’ll give Luna some extra treats and Katya some extra petting while she eats tonight.

Luna picked me out the same way Indy picked out your daughter. She meowed at me while I was standing outside her enclosure at the shelter, then purred and licked my face when I picked her up.

Sorry to hear about Indy, Rick. Take solace in knowing that you provided him with a good life, and that he’s not going to suffer a long illness.


I’m so sorry to hear this news Rick. The boys will get extra puppy and kitty hugs and kisses from me.

I don’t know what you think of this suggestion, but when my old dog was VERY old (14) I took a portrait type photo of him (hiding in my mom’s drapes, which he was not allowed to do, but did every day). I had it blown up and framed and it still hangs in my hall with a bunch of my other art works. It’s a really nice remembrance of him doing a typical “Dick” (yes, my dog’s name was Dick) thing - ie, being bad. :slight_smile:

Just a thought. Lots of people think having an 8X10 of a former pet is weird, but I like it.

Sweetie, I’m so sorry. :frowning:

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together

… Author unknown