My Long Lost Sister

Buk buk buk. :smiley:

Glad you’ve decided to do it - bet everything works out fine. I recently established contact with a long-lost sister. It was a little awkward for the first few minutes, but worth it.

Best of luck, chowder.

Best wishes. Brainiac4 has a “long lost” sister. Best advice, open mind, realistic expectations, take it for what it is. You may get a connection, you may not and never bother to see her again.

(I have a long lost grandfather…I’ve met him twice, but my father (he is my Dad’s bio Dad - his parents divorced when he was very young) talks to him a few times a year).

I found out about a sister when I was in my 30s. We didn’t meet until after our father died, and although I was very apprehensive about meeting her (her mom, whom I had met more than I’d wished to, isn’t a model of stability), it turned out very well. Or so I thought - she hasn’t been in contact with me for the past three or four years, and she no longer lives at the last address I have for her. I’m hoping she gets back in touch one day, but it’s up to her.

So, yes, I’d say meet her, but as Dangerosa said, keep your expectations realistic and try not to have any preconceived notions of what a relationship with her might entail.

I met my sister but the age difference was too much - over twenty years - and we lost contact again. At twenty-two I simply didn’t have anything in common with a woman of forty-five who had four grown kids, two of 'em older than me! Now I rather wish I could re-establish contact but I don’t know where to start. She’s changed husbands and last names a few times and was breaking up with the current one at last contact, back in '86.

As promised an update.

I phoned my sister last night and after some initial hesitancy on both parts we eventually ended up talking for over 30 minutes.

She sounds to be a really nice person and I told her so. She had many questions to ask and so did I. What we have decided to do for the time being is to exchange photographs as she has none of her/my mother or of me, likewise I have none of her but plenty of mum which I’ll send off today.

It was a kind of tearful conversation towards the end when we started talking about mum and how she passed away without ever seeing her daughter. I did mention that my mother had often spoken about her and we joked that we could always remember her birthday, Sept 1st.
Hitler invaded Poland I had a baby sister, maybe not in the same year but all the same.

It’s highly likely that we shall meet in the near future, me and my brother are single minded on this.

Anything else I get to hear of you may rest assured the dopers will know of it.

Again, thanks for all your support/advice/input

I had no idea you were such an old fossil, chowder. You’re about my father-in-law’s age, but you sure don’t post like a pensioner. :smiley:

YAY for having the courage to take the first, frightening steps!
I just read a very similar story to yours (WW2 london war time baby, put up for adoption or its divorce.) that after all these years the adopted son found his brother ( maybe other siblings too) was a best selling author. I cannot remember who, but one that is current.

Old fossil?

I demand and immediate apology sirrah or it’s zimmer frames at dawn :stuck_out_tongue:

Incidentally, how does a pensioner post?

…and don’t say he hobbles to the pillar box and…

So today I received pics of my sister and a pleasant looking lady she is, looks just a bit like my mother.
I’m going to call tonight and ask if she got the photos I sent and I suppose I’ll ask her about meeting up altho’ I’ll have to discuss this with my brother first.

It seems that things are going along nice and smoothly, dunno why I was so hesitant in the first place.

What a beautiful way to put it, lieu.

chowder, I’m glad you made contact. May you never regret it and I hope your new family enriches your life.

My husbane (Weirddave) was adopted as a child. His birth mother had an agency find him about five years ago. It is wonderful to have her family as part of ours.

Found the story I was looking for: Ian McEwan

Ooh, I love happy endings! Thanks for posting this and good luck with the meeting and your new relationship with your sister.

So have you met your sister yet, chowder?

Not as yet ** Surly Chick** but a meeting is most certainly on the cards.

So far we’ve exchanged umpteen e-mails and snail mails and we are getting to know each other fairly well.

Lots of gaps have been filled in.

One uncanny thing…her hand writing is IDENTICAL to that of my late mothers who incidentally would be so pleased that we had at last found each other

Cool. Keep us posted. Weird about the handwriting - my mum’s is also almost identical to my Gram’s but mine is completely unrecognizable as coming from the same gene pool. Or even the human gene pool for that matter.

Surly (of the “D-” in cursive in 4th grade - which has not noticably improved.)

I definitely agree with that.
Woops! Spoke before I read the whole thread. I’m glad you are in contact!

Yes, please keep us updated on everything!

Okely dokely :smiley:

Next Saturday is the BIG day, we finally meet, all 3 of us.

My sister returns from Majorca on Saturday afternoon and I’m picking her up at Manchester Airport. Michael, my brother is calling at my home and we’re going together because despite all I’m still a bit of a scaredy cat.

Saturday night I take all out for dinner and sister stays overnight.

Wish me luck guys and gals