My penis burns...

“When no one’s watching, try applying a little Maalox to your nether regions afterwards.”

Make sure the lip of the bottle touches your nether regions, replace the cap and place back in the medicine cabinet. Laugh histerically when one of your kids, spouse, friends, etc gets indigesion and drinks it straight from the bottle.


PS. Milk really does work to get rid of the pepper feel.

SqrlCub, you are a very sick individual!

[sub]I like that about you.[/sub]

Thanks folks! I’ll try all of these and report back on which one works the best! I sorta like the idea of applying everything from Maalox to a pound of cake and pastry flour to Mr. Happy!

Take care-

I thought this was about something else. Nuts. Hey, as a very young kid I used to put Comet cleanser [aka Ajax] on my penis. Boy, does that ever burn. I did it a lot.

I feel like I wandered into one of those old SNL Billy Crystal skits with those 2 loser workers talking-

" you know when you take one of those…er…" “Ball peen hammers?” " yea, yea, and then you drive a " “12 inch landscaping spike?” “Yea, right through your penis? Boy, that smarts!”

But Milk does work to remove pepper oils- from your throat, anyway. I assume it would work on your penis. And Tomcat, you’re lucky you didn’t have some of the peppers I grew this year- Habenero Trinidad. They are too hot to eat! Unless mixed in with a lot of other food-like 1 small pepper and 5 lbs of chilli ( no lie ). If you got THAT oil on your penis- Katy bar the door!

When I saw the thread’s title I got an image of Ralph Wiggum raising his hand and saying:
“Miss Hoover, my penis burns!”