My Son Is Home!!!

I’m so glad he’s home safe, even if just for a while. If you think he’ll appreciate it, let him know yet another random stranger on the Intarwebs thanks him for his service. As the Vulcans say “Your service honors us.”

Indeed, i wish him and your family the best, Shodan.

Have a wonderful and happy holiday season. :slight_smile:

Give him a hug and a pat on the back from me.

Please send our thanks to your son for his service. And thank you and your family for your sacrifice–I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to have a child in harm’s way. Enjoy your time together. Merry Christmas!

Glad he is home, if only for a little while. Tell him thank you from my family. And thank you for backing him.

Good to hear your loved one is home. Give him a hug for me.

And buy him some sunblock. As a medic, he should know better.

Always nice to hear good news, hand him some :slight_smile: and hugs from a furriner. When he goes to college, is he planning on staying in the medical field?

That’s good news. I’m happy for your reunion!

I want to buy him a beer.

That’s the military for you. Probably three or four connections before you get home and a shitload of hurry up and wait, but you do get there. Even if it takes three days, you get there.

+1. Welcome home!

Tell him welcome home, and thank you for his service to our country! And give him a hug for me.

Give the man a tall drink of cold water and a long hot shower! (And a beer and steak.)

Yay for happy reunions!

Shodan, your thread title says a lot with few words.

It’s always good when our children come home safely. No matter how big and ugly they get, they’re always our ‘little ones’ and, especially when they are off doing adventurous and dangerous things, the relief we feel on their return is a wondrous thing.

All the best, and have a wonderful Christmas with yer’ boy.


What a great Christmas present! Enjoy your time together.

Aw, congratulations!!! What a terrific present.

Glad to hear he got home safely!

I’m happy for you, him and everyone else who’s lives are touched by his friendship, skills and service. You guys have a great time together, a happy holiday and please share with him our past and continuing gratitude.

Fantastic news. I’m really happy for you and your family. :slight_smile:

Thank him for his service, and give him a hug from me!