Name your favorite Doper Smartass!

Welp, there are two spellings I had to choose from (not ass ::pokes harmless:: :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: ) so I wasn’t sure and I’m too tired to check another source. You’d think the Internet would ONLY contain the correct spelling of every word or name but alas, tis not to be.

I nominate JuanitaTech… if only I could find that whole “watermelon and chicken” thing way back.

Eve and lieu are the well-deserved front-runners, but I gotta throw in a vote for No Clue Boy just for this post in the SDMB calendar thread.


:smack: That’s it.
I am going back to bed!

::sees nomination for Doper Smartass::

:eek: :smiley:

I’d like to thank my friends and family, Rufus especially since he voted for me. I’d like to thank all of those people that supported my Smartassness

:sniffs, tear in eye:

I’d like to thank the admin and mods…::sharp intake of breath::

…and…I’d like… to…

::breaks out in uncontrollable sobbing::

thank you

Eve should be the winner, though. Some have got the smarts, lieu has got the ass, but only Eve has the smartass!!

Eve, Ethilrist, Cervaise, Mangetout and pretty much everybody here from one time to another. Every day someone new puts me in stitches.

One of the reasons I like this place is it’s so full of smartasses it keeps me on my prettily-shod toes. But I’m not sure if I qualifiy, as I’m a lifelong sufferer of Wisenheimer’s disease.

I’ll nominate Miller. His squelching comebacks and all around general wit are hysterical.

So far in the running we have:
**Eve ** - 6
**harmless ** - 3 :dubious:
Hal Briston - 2
lieu - 2
Wally - 1 :wally
SkipMagic - 1
Ponder Stibbons - 1
Nocturnal_Tick - 1
JuanitaTech - 1
No Clue Boy - 1
**Ethilrist ** - 1
**Cervaise ** - 1
**Mangetout ** - 1
**Miller ** - 1
Yay, Eve!
So far you are Smartass Supreme! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm… so hard to say. Miller, I think, comes immediately to mind.

I haven’t been here long enough to make my reputation. :wink:

You’d think I’d get better treatment at home, you would. Or, just maybe, I get what I deserve. :wink:

Thanks for the vote, Maureen. Everyone else who votes for me gets a free case–no, barrel of beer. The beer will be doled out by the Admins of this Board; please direct all questions toward them.

Band name!

Damn. I knew these pants made my ass look dumb.

dumbass! :wink:

Hey, you said it!

Oh sure, now you tell me. Where were you when I was trying them on?

On the other side of the one-way mirror.
Care to see the photos?

[](Yeah, right)

That was you? Sorry about that. I assumed it was some 67 year old security guard who needed his day brightened. I guess we all know what happens when you assume…

I didn’t even have to leave the page to find my nominating entry:

And the winner is :smiley: !

What the hell was that! I did write “Eve” not :smiley: .


Another vote for Eve, followed by Cervaise. His “The Telemarketer Speaks. I Respond” thread should earn 5 votes alone.