Names of sexual positions in other languages

<Slightly off-topic>
I’ve got a book here titled “Scheisse! The REAL German You Were Never Taught in School,” by Gertrude Besserwisser, 1994. I think there might have been a series of these for other languages.

Er, Gurtrude “Know-it-All” (literally, “knows more”) -? Somehow, I think that’s a pseudonym. Just guessing, mind you.

I don’t know how accurate it is, but more to the off-point, it doesn’t list sexual positions, just some sexual slang. Down and dirty, German and English are cousins, so of course “fuck” versus “ficken”, “breasts” versus “die Brueste”, and others. “Schlafen miteinander” versus “sleep together”, a literal translation.

A few curious entries: another term for fucking is the verb “voegeln” - to mate like birds.

One term for “stud” is “Hecht” - that is, a pike (fish, that is).

Any comments from ein echtiger Deutschspracher? A genuine German speaker?

Or never mind. You may now return to the actual OP.

In Spanish to come is “venirse”. That little I know. :wink:

Hmm a position called the “cowgirl”. I suppose looking at that from the male perspective it would be called “Lazy-Boy”.

Not exactly a sexual position, but the French term for cunnulingus is “faire minette”.

I recall they called the male organ the “Sacred Stalk” and the female organ, the “Jade Gate”.

I am fairly sure that if I attempted to actually use these terms with my Japanese husband that would be the end of any frolicking while he passed out with mirth. Or disbelief.

Not in the Netherlands. We use 'blow-job, ofcourse, because we’ve taken a lot of English words, but the real Dutch word is ‘pijpen’ - which means ‘piping’, or smoking a pipe. :o [I thought this smiley appropriate]

Sexual positions are about the same.

The erm… word fcking is only used as a curse word. For fucking we use the word ‘neuken’.
Fokking, or Fokker are normal Dutch names.
Fokker was an airline company and the Fokker F16 is still a good airplane.
Fokker = breeder.

Anything else I can tell ya? :wink:

How about 68? You do me and I’ll owe you one.

Yeah. What’s the asterisk for in f*ucking?

I’m proud to say that my wife calls it a “more-than-fair minute and a half!” :smiley: