Neighbor has a orange sign with "8.15.10" on it

Which will be on August 13. :wink:

Beware the Ides of August Extended Weekend?

Apparently, according to that site, one of the Jonas Brothers is turning 21. The thought of a legally-drunken Jonas Brother roaming the Earth may be the signal of End Times.

Men’s finals of the Toronto Masters Tennis tournament!

maybe her house is going up for auction.

no matter what - i would be scared.

Thanks for the speculation guys, and the one liners. :wink:

Apparently, it is not something obvious.

I figured something was going on with her church, but I haven’t seen any other houses with the sign.

Garage sales seldom happen on Sundays around here.

In Missouri, we are having election on August 3rd. Local politicians. (County Clerk, Assessor, Councilman etc.)

She is not bed-ridden and I will ask her if I happen to see her. Our relationship is that of neighbors, not much more.

Damn, beaten to it. Twice. But to add to the explanation. The ides are on the 15th in March, May, July, and October, and the 13th the other months.

Maybe she used to be 36.24.36 but now she’s 8.15.10. Just relivin’ the glory days.

My guess is something political. It is the 65th anniversary of VJ (Victory over Japan) Day.

To demonstrate my ignorance of such things, I’ll just ask if the British monetary system might account for the numbers instead of a date. Maybe that’s the asking price for the place in pounds, shillings, pence and whatever else they use.

Is there a local football team that has orange as a primary color? 8/15/10 could be the start of practice, and thus their season. Odd that that should be the date to rally around though, since it’s usually the date of a game against a rival or the date of the state championship game that is used for this type of thing.

Interested to find out what it is!

My shrink is two weeks into his holiday then, at which point I will be entering the GaGa Zone. It’s reminding me of psychic pain to come.

Orange would tend to indicate Nrothern Ireland. Coudl be the 12th anniversary of the Omagh Bombing?

Honestly, I think you shoudl ask her.

Where are you located? If you’re in the U.S., my first thought was some kind of political rally – perhaps a Tea Party event of some kind? Or any movement likely to create portentious “be there or beware” signs?

I’m taking that Sunday off, maybe she’s just happy for me?

But at least if the world is ending I won’t be wasting my last hours at work.

Ah, you’re in Missouri? I was going to say that where I live (Springfield) this would probably be some large church event shit-- they tend to hype things up in yards like this and I think I recall mysterious dates being advertised before the sign explaining what they were on about appear.

It’s my 18th wedding anniversary but I don’t think there are any old ladies looking forward to it. Well, maybe one but she’s not 60 yet.

Well…15th August is Independence Day in India

8.15.10 is the date of HIS* return!

*He being ‘The Undertaker’ and he is (rumored to be) returning to WWE at Summerslam. Why someone would have a sign in their yard proclaiming this is beyond me though …

I’ve got $5 that says this is it.