New TV Season...What's gone by October?

I am looking forward to Pushing Daisies and think it will last

Bionic Woman I am on the fence about primarily because of the lead actress and her somewhat less than stellar acting in Eastenders (English Soap Opera I ued to watch when I lived at home)

Cavemen will die a horrible death and rightly so - those commercials annoy the living daylights out of me

What’s this geek show of which people speak?

Here is the Onion’s take on the new season. Anybody got another good site?

I’m going with Cavemen, Kid Nation (a vote for never seeing the light of day), and Carpoolers (the creative team behind Arrested Development - the show will be good but not popular).

I don’t remember the name – that’s some good marketing, isn’t it?

In the promo I saw, two geeky guys are sharing a place with a good-looking young lady. (At my age, it feels weird to say “hot chick”.) She’s in the shower and yells that she needs a favor. I don’t remember the line that followed, except that I thought it was funny. My husband laughed too, and he never laughs at anything that doesn’t involve gophers and golf.

IIRC, The Big Bang Theory, which is a CBS sitcom.

I personally hope that “Kid Nation” airs, just so that I can watch it and make comments along the lines of “Sucks to your ass-mar!” and “I’ve got the conch!”

This one, Premium Hollywood, has some good reviews and predictions. The writer has one correct prediction already with the cancellation of Anchorwoman. (The article continues over to their parent website, which my nanny-software here at work won’t let me access. )

Geeks – but actually good looking “made for TV geeks” – live together and have a hot neighbor.

Terrible jokes. Hot girl neighbor who will be the cause of much consternation.

Girl (looking at whiteboard) : “Oooo, what’s this?”

Geek 1: “My white board, I was just doing some quantum mechanics” (in his apartment)

Girl is impressed

Cut to other geek (whiningly) : “I. . .uh. . .I have a whiteboard too”

It’s clearly just a stupid Los Angeles take on how geeks might act, with the same stupid one liners you’d find in any show.

I guess the joke Auntie Pam is talking about is when the girl is showering at their place, and the guy goes, “the last time a girl was naked in our apartment was when grandma took all her clothes off at Thanksgiving.”

And, yes, laughtrack.

It’s the kind of show I might have given a shot in hell 15 years ago. Now, if this show makes it, in the post Seinfeld world of “The Office”, “30 Rock” and “My Name is Earl”, I will be ASTONISHED.

From that Onion article

I really hope Carpoolers makes it. The ad I saw was great. The guys are in the car with “In the Air Tonight” on the radio. They’re all just sitting there listening to it, until the drum part, which they all do in unison.

That’s going to be a “must watch” for me.

I was going to say New Amsterdam, as I think it sounds interesting but looks more like mini-series material, but it has already been moved to the down-time in between the season break.

Of what I’ve seen:

Cavemen was bad. At least they don’t use a laugh track, and there are a couple of chuckles, but it was bad. The argument over if using “cro-mags” to describe themselves…“It’s ok if we use it”…was painful.

However, my views and America’s views on comedy seldom intersect, so who knows.

Reaper is ten kinds of awesome. Ray Wise as the devil? Oh man, it’s great. I laughed out loud several times, and am really, really looking forward to it. I think it has a place on television…it fits with the CW attitude pretty well, and I think it’ll be given a chance. If Smallville and Supernatural can flourish, it should do fine.

Pushing Daisies…look. I get that some people might appreciate it, but it is going to be soul-crushingly dull to 90% of the audience. Voiceover dialogue can be cool (see: Burn Notice.) About 3/4 of the show being narrative non-character voiceover? That just means (and this will be the biggest complaint, whether you agree with the statement or not) that nothing happens. Seriously. It’s a half hour show that got stretched to an hour. It’s not that it’s “dark,” - though it is - it’s actually rather life-affirming. It’s just dull, dull, dull. And of course, there’s the fact that the main character

murders a guy in the first episode by virtue of not re-touching whats-her-name. Granted, he’s a “bad guy” - but still…this is where our sympathies are supposed to lie? It does lead to the rather funny, “Bitch, I was in the proximity” joke, though.

Seriously. If it succeeds, I will be floored. FLOORED. It’s quirky for the sake of being quirky, and I don’t think that flies post-Twin Peaks.

Bionic Woman? I thought it was OK. I didn’t think it was bad. I thought it was a pilot. I don’t think it will last, though. I just don’t think it will drum up enough interest, and it can’t be cheap to produce.

Sarah Connor Chronicles: If this was on FX or Spike, I’d have no problem with it. I just don’t think there’s a mass market for it. I thought it was fantastic.

Chuck: This might survive, actually.

Come on, who doesn’t love those Geico commercials???
Sadly, I don’t think Cavemen will make it as a sitcom…

Thinking Dirty Sexy Money will go away and Big Shots will hang on…

Moonlight looks sweet in my book. Have you seen the “Interview with a Vampire” spot? Check it out:
Alex O’Laughlin (from The Shield) is smooth …

I’ve seen the pilots for Journeyman and Big Bang Theory. I liked them both. Journeyman has very good acting and a reasonably interesting setup (although like every time travel story, it’s really easy to write yourself into a box, and it could all go spectacularly wrong). Based on the pilot, I’d say I don’t know enough yet to know if it will survive, but I was reasonably entertained.

I laughed quite a few times during “Big Bang Theory”. Yes, the characters are cliches and stereotypes. Some of the jokes fall flat. Lots of them. But this is one of those shows where the jokes come at you at about 90 miles an hour, so even if half of them work you’ll be laughing a lot. And I liked the attention to detail with the geek humor. From what I could tell, they actually had the science pretty accurate, even when talking quantum mechanics and string theory. So good on the writers for not just inventing gobbledegook.

Also, what makes it work is that these are geeks who understand they are geeks, and know their place in the social food chain. Nonetheless, they want to break out.

So I hope this one sticks around, so long as it can maintain the same level of writing over the long haul.

I saw the “Big Bang Theory” pilot last night. Very geeky humor, which made me laugh but which might not really be the thing for general audiences.

I laughed when the two characters were introduced and “Sheldon” and “Leonard” (my husband didn’t know who Sheldon Leonard was so he wasn’t amused) so I hope that was intentional.

The taller one (Sheldon, I think) seemed on occasion like he was trying for a David Hyde Pierce vibe, which works for me since I think DHP is hilarious.

And the guy who had been on Studio 60 (the Nicolas Cage guy) was eerily like a guy I went to school with. He freaked me out.

It’s on CBS’s monday night lineup. The standards aren’t so high - I see it staying until midseason.

Viva Laughlin is going to go down in flames.
Journeyman doesn’t look like a good idea - especially with New Amsterdam, Pushing Daisies, and Moonlight all in the same area. Only one is going to make it.

I thought Reaper was shit. The only good thing was the Devil.

The DMV is a portal to hell! HAR-HAR…whatever.

TiVo has the pilot of “Big Bang Theory” up for free.

I managed to make it to the first commercial break, but only God knows how. The show brings new meaning to the word “bad”. It’s not funny, not even the tiniest bit. I predict a very early death and sinking into total obscurity.

Shows with a shelf-life of 4 weeks (or less!):

The Big Bang Theory
Back To You
Aliens in America
Samantha Who?
Women’s Murder Club

Can we make this thread into TV Deathpool and award points for picks that are gone by Halloween? Say, 1 point for shows that make it until the final week of October, and 6 points for those that don’t air at all?