Office of Special Plans reincarnated as the Iran Directorate

Yeah, well 9/11 changed everything, including post-modernist irony.

Once again leading to my all time favorite Simpsons quote:

GenX1: “Are you being ironic?”
GenX2: “I can’t even tell anymore.”

No. It is not irony.

Jan. 24, 2007 Is Iran providing devices that help insurgents detonate IEDs in Iraq?

Feb. 1, 2007 U.S. delays report on Iranian role in Iraq

Feb. 10, 2007 U.S. set to assert evidence against Iran

I won’t support a war against Iran at this point unless Iran directly attacks US soil or openly fields troops against the US in Iraq. And by “openly”, I mean Iran verifies that they’re doing it. Not a Tonkin-esque firing on a US ship or something like that.

Bush has zero credibility with me, and I have no confidence in his ability to plan and execute a war. Because any evidence Bush might have on Iran would necessarily be largely based on classified intelligence I can’t even see, let alone verify for myself, it is impossible for this administration to convince me of the necessity for any action against Iran. Because of the disaster in Iraq, it’s impossible for me to assume that any military action in Iran will be at all successful.

Rumors of War

News conference in Baghdad this afternoon:
Iran Sending Explosives to Extremist Groups in Iraq, Officials Say

U.S. Presents Evidence of Iranian Weapons in Iraq

‘Wash Post’ Joins ‘NYT’ in Trumpeting ‘Anonynmous’ Claims of Iran Weapons in Iraq

The administration really needs to get someone known, and credible to look America in the eye and make these accusations with a straight face. I don’t think they have anyone who can do that.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me…you can’t be fooled twice.

I don’t trust a one of 'em. Like I said before, I trust Iran not to attack us more than I trust the Bush administration not to attack Iran. Actually, I’d trust Iran period more than I trust the Bush administration on anything.

This White House has a history of lying to us to promote their aggressive agenda, and anyone who doesn’t listen to that history when examining their motivations (ostensible or actual) should come to regret it.

“Colin? Hi, it’s George! Fine, fine, they’re all fine. Look, the reason I’m calling is we’ve got a bit of a problem on our hands…well, its the Iran thing…yeah, Iran, with an “N”…its not that funny, Colin… Anyway, we’ve got ironclad evidence that Iran is interfering in Iraq…pretty ironclad, kinda solid…mostly…anyway, we need a good public spokesman and we were wondering if you…Colin?..Colin?..”

No, no, NO!

It goes:

Fool me once… Shame on… Shame on you… Fool me… You can’t get fooled again!

Link (quote at 46 seconds.)

Yes, and again the TV news, at least what I’ve seen, is reporting these DOD handouts without the slightest bit of skepticism. They just read the handout and let it go at that.