Oh....you're *that* stupid; got it (John Mayer's Playboy interview)

A line would form awfully quick. Typical SDMB socialist pie-in-the-skyery, inventing impractical and expensive boondoggles to waste my tax dollars on!

Again I am joking I earn so little I practically don’t pay taxes.

“White Kanye West” was the exact phrase that jumped into my mind while I was reading that interview. Somebody should ask him if he likes fish sticks.

Count me as one who believes arrogance is inherent with anyone successful in their field. They could either let it breathe or hide it behind some false modesty. I prefer they do the former.

Eternal, it doesn’t sound like you have any reason to be arrogant.

“My arrogance is breathing.” Oh, I am so going to use that in the future. No, seriously, I love that concept.

“THERE CAN BE ONLY ON-” – ahh, who’m I kidding. We’ll never run out of arrogant douchebags.

Better yet, somebody should have not let him finish… :slight_smile:

I can’t believe I am actually going to respond to this, but here goes:

This is specifically arrogant because:

  • He introduced the concept that “he has a Hood Pass” - that is a term of respect that a person should NEVER bring up themselves first. There is a big difference between Pilot Sully Sullenberger having to respond to “how does it feel being a hero?” type questions vs. if he just said “you know, Dave, being a hero is a heavy burden, let me tell you…”

  • IMHO, there is no situation where a non-African American person can use the n-word in any non-academic/historical sort of way. Period. As a caucasion person, I simply have no access to that word in any sort of “cool” way. Either you get it or you don’t. And if a non-AA person does think they can invoke it and come off as cool? Arrogant AND stoopid.

  • “Talking about it in Playboy” is just a way of saying - he talked about it in a forum where his agenda was to market himself. So yeah, it was douche-y, narcissistic and arrogant.

…and, to be clear, he thinks it was, too - or, at least, he is aware that he must own the perception that he came off like a douchebag. WOOKINPANUB, as I said upthread, I have liked aspects of what I have seen and heard - but he has been walking a fine line, always threatening to fall into Kanya/Sting territory - and now he fell into the pool so let’s see if he just stays there and swims around or tries to climb out and towel himself off…

Excuse my ignorance, but what, exactly, do you guys mean by “tool” in the context of this thread?

Clueless jerk. Rockhead.

John Mayer was the biggest douchebag OF ALL TIME!

Okay, thanks. I was trying to figure out what nefarious overlord or political entity was supposedly controlling Mr. Mayer or forcing him to be its spokesman.

I stopped liking John Mayer long ago, and not just because his music is whiny and faggy*, but he now thinks he’s a professional comedian, except he sucks at it. Hey, John Mayer! You’re not fucking funny! Go back to making your bratty college girl music, and shut up already!

He’s right about this, though: “And it’s such a shame that I did because the point I was trying to make was in the exact opposite spirit of the word itself. It was arrogant of me to think I could intellectualize using it, because I realize that there’s no intellectualizing a word that is so emotionally charged,” he said.

I’m not one of those people who always thinks the n-bomb is inherently offensive (it usually is, of course), but there doesn’t seem to be any getting around the universal Do Not Use rule, because people are so emotionally invested.
*I have a fag pass, so it’s totally cool that I use this word.

“Tool” is a slang word for penis. Its use as a deprecation tends towards males who demonstrate a certain kind of oblivious arrogance, and insensitive self-regard.

Once again, you prove to me how much I dig you, **MeanOldLady **- inappropriate-but-perfectly-pitched insider humor totally noted.


that’s exactly my point - you never know what baggage folks are bringing to the party…

While we’re at it, any “journalist” who ever asks that needs to be fired and kicked in the ass. If I ever am in the position where I am able to do some good by rescuing a kid from a burning building/frozen river/exploding car, and some fool reporter comes with his prewritten lead “Sigmagirl says she doesn’t feel like a hero, but a lot of Cleveland folks are saying she is today after the local woman risked her life to . . .” I would get his editor’s name and number and make the call right there. You fuckers think of something new. You didn’t learn that in journalism school.

Better definition than mine.

There are exceptions, as Chris Rock pointed out.

Aw, c’mon - I think you need to recalibrate your Douchebag-o-meter. He’s douche-y, sure, but of all time? A-Rod with paintings of himself as a centaur in his bedroom? Kanye merely existing (remember when he said “Bush doesn’t like black people” and you actually thought “go Kanye!” - who knew?!)…

Mayer barely registers on the scale - but, like all outbreaks of douchebaggery, must be fully quarantined immediately…

A perfect example of this kind of question was during a Katie Couric interview with Drew Brees just before the Superbowl. The interview focused a lot on Brees’ volunteer work in New Orleans after Katrina. Couric asked him, “Did you save New Orleans, or did New Orleans save you?”
What the fuck kind of question is that? How could he possibly answer the first part of that question in the affirmative without sounding like a massive tool?