Ok, I'll start this week's MMP

To the VunderKind, it’s Woosterchestershire sauce; I call it ‘dubya’.

Happy Birthday, CatDude! Hope you have a great day today. :slight_smile: The color is in honor of your boy Cuervo, btw.

I have not been able to watch much of the coverage from CT yet - it’s just so horrific. And I think much of the media is over-the-top. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for me. After the holidays I’ll begin to process this I guess. Horrible.

I’ll tell you what I look forward to every week, and don’t laugh now: the local NBC station has a much-beloved weather man who does the early morning duties, Monday-Friday. And every Friday, he brings his dogs in, believe it or not, and the “weather dogs” help out doing the weather. Well, they mostly just sit there. Mostly. LOL There are four of them, but only two are the ones who are on-camera, a chihuahua named Squeaky and a shaggy dog named Tuffy. All of them are, I think, shelter rescues. The two other dogs are usually on set but we don’t see them I think mainly because they are a bit rambunctious. He holds Squeaky during much of the newscast - she’s very well behaved. Tuffy has a post that he mostly sleeps on by the weather map. And this is what I look forward to every Friday. :slight_smile: Last Friday, Tuffy wasn’t there, and I haven’t been able to find out why yet! I have to admit, I am a bit concerned about Tuffy but he’s probably okay. Hopefully he’ll be back this week.

Hope everyone has a good Monday.

Happy Birthday, CatDude!

Because I care enough to send the hairy beast.

On a depressing note, my mom texted me a picture of my dad and the puppy, saying the puppy got cold, and Dad wrapped her in his leather jacket - which he never, ever, ever lets my mom wear. (It’s an awesome jacket.) The story was cute, but the picture made my heart drop. I haven’t seen my dad since I moved back to Texas in May. Since then, he’s very clearly gone downhill physically. He was looking old, and at 84, who could blame him. Now, he looks frail and sickly, like he’s aged almost ten years since I last saw him.

It won’t take much - a bad cold that turns into pneumonia, one more stroke, an accident at home - and he may be gone. I don’t have enough vacation or money to go to California for XMas. I have been figuring on saving it so that I can get weight loss surgery next year. Now, I’m thinking I’m going to be making a choice between that and getting out there to see him for what may be the last time.

[quote=“peedin, post:18, topic:644295”]

I look forward to every other Wednesday. That is therapy day and just thinking about talking about my issues relaxes me. When I was learning to ride (horseback ride) I looked forward to Thursdays because that was lesson night. So Thursdays are still my favorite day. And now that I have my own horse, I can go to the barn EVERY day (but I don’t).QUOTE]

I don’t own an actual horse, but I sometimes call my bass clarinet a horse. It’s like a horse because not everyone has one, it’s not something many people see every day, and it’s large and hard to tote around with you. But it’s worth it and I love it. :slight_smile:

And I apologize for not doing the quoting thingy properly. Can’t figure it out on these school computers…

[quote=“EmilyG, post:25, topic:644295”]

But does it live at your horse, or do you pay to board it out???:smiley:

{{{roo}}} it’s tough to watch a parent go downhill. Go see him as soon as you are able to do so. You will not regret this ever. I know this from experience. I watched my father go downhill from AD and other stuff and I do not regret the visits I made before he died no matter how “inconvenient” I felt it was at the time. Just sayin’.

Takin’ a break from a sea of paperirk. Soon it will be N.O.L. time. Yay!

Holy cow! You play bass clarinet?

I can’t claim that I still play, because I haven’t touched on in probably twenty years, but I still have very fond memories of my high school bass clarinet, Thor.

Good times. :smiley:

Yep. My bass clarinet is named Pascal. It’s the name of the guy who sold it to me. Most of my instruments have names, though I don’t usually reveal them to most people. :stuck_out_tongue:

My bass clarinet has extra notes. It goes down to a low C.

Peedin, I keep my bass clarinet at my house, though it does take up a fair amount of space in my room.

Lunch break! I need to be drinking my lunch today - what a morning it’s been! I’ll be glad to punch out today.

That’s all I’ve got. My brain is dead.

Have to weigh in on the bass clarinet. I used to date this lovely woman in the SF Bay area and one trip out there her friend was playing in the city. He is a serious funk/jazz player really good but…

The opening act was 5 bass clarinets mostly playing Nirvana covers. This is possibly the most bizarre music performance I have ever seen and I have seen alot of weird. GWAR on rollerskates at the Westheimer fest, The Butthole Surfers with 3 movie screens(you don’t want to know) and a topless dancer, The Genotourturers (NSFW!!!), Mike Dillon playing the Vibraphone with his er member. I love the oddball, the weird and unique. 5 bass clarinets, tops it all. I mean, what kind of person says “5 bass clarinets playing grunge tunes, great!”. I just stood in awe. Anyhoo

Happy Monday all, enjoy it because it is the last one ever :dubious:

Happy **Catdudeday



I wouldn’t touch that line with an 11 foot Hungarian. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just et a grilled chikin sallit. Chikin and sallit leftover from Sattidy. I nuked the chikin and it was really good warm over crisp cold greens and a raspberry vinagarette dressin’. Sounds high class don’t it! :smiley:

The weather PTB said to expect heavy rain after noon today. Thus, it is 12:45 p.m. and…


Good call Weather PTB!

Happy Catdude day!

I look forward to Monday nights, 'cos I have ‘juggling’- this is actually tea, biscuits and gossip, plus some people juggling for your background entertainment. Then a bunch of migrate to the pub :slight_smile:

There’s also a session I go to sometimes on a sunday, but it’s more serious, not as friendly, and they have no tea, so I’ve not been the last few weeks.

Yesterday’s cinema mission was sucessful, got a bucket of popcorn that could have doubled as a ball pool, and had a jolly nice time. Unfortunately, that meant I got back late, so had not enough sleep, and I needed to get up for the stoopid course today, which really is just mindless drivel now- we spent half a day on ‘why should you dress professionally’, which I think is pretty much covered by the single statement of ‘so you don’t look like a tit’. Oh well, only 4 more days of it.

The good news of the day is the mousey suddenly started looking noticeably better, after a week of antibiotics- she can get up to the top level of her cage again, after being stuck on the base layer all week, and she’s barely walking in circles at all, plus she’s been grooming the other mouse and acting almost normal.

She’s still clearly a bit wrong, her head’s still on one side, and she can’t run in the wheel or run at all, really, but any recovery is a very good thing. If she gets any better, she might even be OK with some new babies in there, in a week or two. :slight_smile:

Hippo Birdie, CatMan!! (somehow it seems more appropriate with your name! :))

{{{phouka}}} It’ s not easy to see a parent go :frowning: My father is going to be 82 this year, and while he’s so far aging very well (knock on wood!!) – still driving (safely), working(!), including flying trans-Atlantic(!!) for work related purposes – I know it’s a matter of time before he goes downhill, too…

I look forward to the weekends, because then I get to see the Terrible Twins[sup]TM[/sup] – either they’re home or we trek all the way (all 40 miles of it! :p) to Jerusalem to visit.

Am I crazy? I think I kind of actually just might want to see that… :rolleyes:

You know how it is… if you have to ask, the answer is probably “yes.” :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


Dreary day here,

What do I look forward to?

Dumb as it may sound, I look forward to my son coming home from school each day. He can drive me right up the wall with his talk about computer games but I like having him around and with the way things can be these days… I like knowing he’s safe.
Tuesday is pizza night.

I’m looking forward to the Christmas party at my niece’s place this year because my ex-bil is going to be there. He has pancreatic cancer and I haven’t seen him in a while so it will be good to catch up with him. My sister and current bil will be there too, and well I’m hoping for a little entertainment because the current bil doesn’t like the ex-bil and my sister isn’t happy when they are all in the same room together. I’m sure everybody will be on their best behavior but one can hope. :smiley:

I’m really looking forward to the day the HFH get out of here.
My ex-bil is one tough guy. He was supposed to be dead years ago after he was backed over and than ran over by a pick up truck. He had to be put into a coma because the doctors said he would be in so much pain. His brain was swollen, both legs were broken in multiple places as well as internal injuries. He wasn’t supposed to live and he did. The doctors said if he lived he’d be a vegetable and he isn’t. They said he’d never walk again, he was back out doing construction work.
So one day last year he was mowing his lawn and his back started hurting. Soon he was in so much pain he could barely move and he had to get his neighbor to drive him to the hospital. He was there for a few days, totally out of it on morphine and then he found out he has pancreatic cancer. First the doctors said he had 6-9 months, then they dropped it to 3 months. It’s been over a year and Thanksgiving he and my niece went horseback riding, so he must be doing pretty good.
It will be good to see him again.

Sounds like it could be a blast Sari. :smiley:

Howdy from da cave. ‘Tis dreary and rainy out. This, however, shall not stop the enjoyment of men’s night over to the church house. We’re all civilized and eat indoors bein’ Whiskypalians. Plus we have an awnin’ over the grlll. Now that’s high class.