(Old) Silly Songs In The MMP

Up from naptime, having an Old Fashioned and skritching Spot.

Well, I’m on Preload, so that shift is still there, because somebody has to load 200 package cars for delivery. And Twilight is there, because somebody has to load up all the outbound stuff from stops/drop boxes/UPS Stores. As far as my position, Union members who have their slot eliminated can bump a less senior person on another shift. There are 260 people more senior than me, and 164 spots in Preload. So I just need 100 people to be unwilling or unable to bump to Preload, and I’m good. :crazy_face:

One job we actually played Whiffle ball in the stockroom while waiting for the delivery truck. :smiley:

What to physicists drink their beer out of? An Einstein!

Very cute. :slight_smile: and maybe I want to be spanked with a newspaper. :wink:


I mean, the highs for the next week, are alternating 70 and 50 here, but a 50 degree drop is nuts.

That was a Frank Sinatra tune from 1954, not a homebrew joke / parody.

Today at the baseball park watching the St. Louis Cardinals at spring training there were far fewer St. Louis fans than I expected. Usually they completely fill the small minor league park. Today we had maybe 40% of the seats occupied. It was 74F and sunny here in South Florida. And 73F and sunny in St. Louis. On Feb 26! Weather be weird for sure. I’m guessing a lot of St. Louis people just stayed home this year; there hasn’t been that much evil winter for them to need to flee.

You go, Girl!! I doubt you’re quite as rusty as you claim. Sparks sound like fun.

Well, my erranding was efficient, my many Amazon packages arrived in fine shape and fit where appropriate, the baseball was good, the freeways had light traffic both ways, the weather was superb, and my evening was a total bust.

I got there about 1/2 hour after the group normally assembles. Nobody there. They’re usually quite timely and nearly everyone stays the full 2 hours. Table’s not even set up for a group. Curiouser and curiouser.

Ask the regular bartender “What’s up?” He didn’t immediately recognize me; the beard is a good disguise and I’d not been there in about a year. Anyhow, the organizer had called the restaurant earlier that day to say the event is cancelled for tonight, so they won’t need their big table. So there I was, all (metaphorically) dressed up & nowhere to go. Had a nice glass of happy hour-priced wine, and a happy hour-priced app-sized eggplant parm for dinner and all was well enough, if a bit solitary.

Now home, doing laundry & communing w y’all.

Tomorrow I need to dig out of a blizzard of emails, make sure I get my reservations in for cruise activities, battle with a couple of bill payment foul-ups, and otherwise stay off the computer and relax.

Just today, I was singing

Why do broads
get into my space,
don’t they know
that I’m ace?


Why do broads
press against my thigh,
don’t they know
I’m not bi?

Just like me
they long to be

susan :joy:

:musical_note:There will come the day
when youth will fade away and what will they say about me?
“She’s just a PSE, not anything to me
Life goes on without her.” :notes:

There used to be a whole lot more of that song, happily life went on without work!

Hubs sings scratches of “Georgie Porgie Puddin and Pie” at George. He’s never sung before, especially not to a cat so of course I think it is adorable.

It is great that MIL is actually asking for food, that means she has something close to an appetite. I hope she ate well and that the evening was fun for all.


Well done!

I hope you still have a job next month, things don’t sound as great as they could.

This! GG has been known to throw himself bodily against a closed door head first. There is a kitty door in a people door leading to their catio, he knows he can go through a door by hitting it with his head, the poor Gormless one doesn’t understand why that doesn’t work for all doors.

He is not my favorite cat today, BTW. He walked under my stitching stand and then turned around and sat up, reached his paws up and started scratching at the underside of my fabric. Big jerkface!

I’m almost finishing up the mystery piece I bought last year. The designer was getting married, so made many mistakes in the instructions and I got frustrated and put it aside until all of the corrections were made. Now I need the stretcher bars for something else so am finishing it. I am at the last little section and could tell that I didn’t have enough of the color I needed for the border. ARGHH!!! The designer is always so generous with the threads, this is the first time I have ever run out.

Happily, I have an Oort jar. I put all of my leftover bits of thread in a Bell jar and cover it to keep the cats away from all of the potentially deadly snips and bits of thread. I dumped the Oorts out and managed to find enough scrap bits of the thread I need to be able to finish.

I’m giving her a pass for this kit, due to the whole wedding thing but I sure do hope this years project is better.

Cash is just so 20th century, back when I was working, I had a twenty dollar bill and my debit card. That twenty rode around in my wallet for several years.

But then I retired and so many things take cash out here. We are constantly running out of ones and fives which is why we started to keep a couple hundred in ones and fives in the change pot.

(Cash for tips, tamales, eggs if I have to buy them, Tai Chi, donations to the various charities and yes, I do give panhandlers money. This is Arizona, anyone who is willing to stand around in the elements begging for spare change is much worse off than me and I don’t care if they use my cash to buy booze or weed so I stopped handing out single fives when the world ended. Now they get two fives.)

Them: “He’s gonna buy booze with it!”
Me: “Like I wasn’t?”
And I’m good at least till June

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Went and got the note, for Housing, from my former boss, saying I don’t work there.
They’ve been very busy. Then why’d you hire me?
As it turns out, God came through.
I fill out job applications on Indeed. If they don’t get in touch, I delete them. Last Weds, I got an e mail from a restaurant I’d forgotten I applied for two days earlier. Come in tomorrow from 3-5 for interview.
I wasn’t the only one invited. After talking to the young man for 2 minutes, he said, I can offer you 15.50! I have never made that much before.
It went so quickly and smoothly, I knew God was behind that. Am awaiting an e mail to start onboarding tomorrow.
So woot.

Okay, did anybody not click on Metal Mouse’s lyrics? I know this crowd. That was great. Kind of reminded me of a ditty by the Saddle Tramps called The Bulge in Satan’s Pants. It’s not risqué, though; it’s absolutely filthy. If you want to know the lyrics, look it up on your own!

Just got back from Trivia Night and we won!! First time in almost a year; it’s about time! We had a good table, but (not to be immodest) I think I had a good bit to do with the win. Lots of useless crap floating around in this noggin.

And I’ve got an inventory job in Portland next week and Phoenix two weeks after that. Things are picking up!

Congrats on the job, Coppertone!

Yep!!! And my life is so much better than theirs ATM so why would I begrudge them a little bit of pleasure.

I really hope things turn around for you, I don’t know anyone who hasn’t gotten used to ordering online, you guys are kinda important for the economy.

Hurray for you! I really do hope this works out.

Hurray! I am also a font of useless information, isn’t it nice to have it come in handy once in a while?

If you will have a weekend in Phx, I’d happily take you to the [Seafood Buffet.](https://www.bluepacificbuffet.com/)

Of course Hubs will be with me, he likes the food as well.

Hubs just got a text saying that his computer is fixed. OMG, I am SO happy. He has an appointment at the VA tomorrow morning, so we will get a late lunch/early dinner after picking his tower up. Maybe we will go to there to be sure that the quality hasn’t changed since last week.

I am SO happy about his comp. Mine just wasn’t good enough and the bad words were flying morning to night. He will have to download his stuff again, but things will be much quieter soon.

I haz a vague hankerin’ for a fartfest, but I also haz a dilemma.

I do have a bit of frozen kielbasa, frozen bacon, and a rather silly amount of onion. Plus some garlic.

What beans should Shoe cook up?

  • Black beans (frijoles negros)
  • White beans (navy beans)
  • This poll makes me vaguely uncomfortable
  • Well, all of the above, duh!
0 voters

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.


Why do birds fall down from the sky,
Everytime you walk by…

Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 2c/35f with a predicted high of 7c/44f, and hazy. Weather app’s never used “haze” as a description before, I am intrigued since outside it’s cold, frosty and cloudy. Weather app says today is “Cloudy with a chance of mild fucking depression.”

It’s definitely cold out there, I went out earlier to haul the biiiiiiig bin out to the pavement ready for today’s rubbish collection. It’s normal bagged domestic rubbish so no excitement about who may or may not get their bin emptied. I may have to take a trip out again when it’s been emptied and haul it back to where it lives for the next couple of weeks.

{{{{{FairyChats}}}}} I am so sorry for what you’re gong through with MIL, it is so hard to cope with when you want to help but you know there’s nothing you can do. Been there, done that :cry:

Doggio sorry to hear about the work situation - are you hopeful that it won’t affect you, and do you have a back-up plan?

Pilot is HL stuck in her school days or something? The more you talk about things, the better off you are to be away from it all.

shoe so what kind of beans won the day?

Wheelie yay for more work coming your way! Been to Portland a few times, it’s a great place :slight_smile: Never been to Phoenix, been close but never actually there.

JtC I am another one who needs a bathroom escort. These days it’s usually Cherry who follows me in, and I have found Blossom snoozing under the radiator in there too. The clotheshorse is in front of the radiator so perhaps she thinks we won’t be able to see her if she’s underneath it. Shadow used to do the bathroom thing but doesn’t so much, he would sit outside and yell at me if I dared to close the door.

Very little of any excitement in my day, unless bin emptying counts as excitement. I have a departmental meeting this afternoon that won’t finish until 5pm so that means I’ll lose my spare time that I normally use to make lunches for campus for the rest of the week. I might see if I can do that during the day instead, maybe in my normal lunch break. I know what this bunch are like, they have 2hrs for their meeting and they’ll use every last minute, usually rehashing the same things they talked about in the last meeting!

Right…time to make a cuppa and see which inboxes are burning the brightest!

Who invented dreams anyway? Bah!
Awake, off to medicate, then back to sleep. Its to rain/storm soon.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 60 Amurrkin out and partly cloudy with a predicted high of 78 and partly N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day. I can hardly contain myself. Beyond that the usual sloth, general overall uselessness, nappage, and day drinkin’ are on the agenda. Sup shall be leftovers from yestiddy.

Coppertone yay for the new gig. Hope it’s a whole lot better opportunity.

Wheelie yay for the inventory gigs.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Pizza with the crew was fun - Tobias is hilarious!! And Roxy made a bunch of sticky notes that said LOVE and she drew a heart on them, then stuck them around the house. But MIL was exhausted last night - worse than we’ve ever seen her. We put her to bed around 9 and it’s now after 7 and she’s still asleep.

FCD was thinking of taking her out today, but she may not be up to it.

I’ll be leaving in about half an hour to head north. Both my mom and my sister have asked me to help with some things that they’re afraid to try themselves - both are timid around tools and anything vaguely mechanical. Plus I haven’t had a chance to visit with Mom in ages, so we’ll chat over lunch. Just not looking forward to the drive - it’ll probably be even longer because of morning traffic. Oh well…

Try not to post too awful much today - I won’t be able to check in until tonight! :wink:

Happy Tuesday!!

Mornin’ all.

It’s 32 degrees Fahrenheit and partly cloudy. The expected high is 45 degrees Fahrenheit, with a light, steady rain moving in this afternoon.

FCM, I am sending hugs to you and your family.

wheelie, I’m glad you got some more money gigs. Hopefully, you’ll get some time to explore while in Portland. Parts of it are very nice. Other parts (just like any other city), not so much.

coppertone, I hope the new job works out well for you.

doggio, I’m sending my best keep the job vibes.

I do not have bathroom escorts since both the pups are kept out of any areas with bathrooms. I’ll be happy when I can start letting them wander through the house some more, but that won’t be for quite some time.

JtC, yay for fixed computers. I well understand the whole grumpy husband because gaming computer is kaput thing. It’s both irritating and exhausting.

Work was utterly insane yesterday, and I expect most of this week will be that way. The day started with crazy lease issues, notification of more job reporting requirements regarding the big records management project, a separate lease issue, and finally, a severe employee issue. I hit the ground running yesterday, with a slight break for the commute home and then worked some more from home before quitting for the day.

Dang you guys! I now have the Carpenters song, with some of your variations running on a continuous loop in my head!

I managed to get a boarding slot for our pups on the 18th. Now we can hang out with my daughter and son-in-law at 13 Coins and not constantly worry about the pups being alone for too long.

Well, I should get that kitchen finished up. I need to load a couple of dishes in the dishwasher and start the wash cycle.

Morning all. Brain wanted me to get up around 6am and body told brain to F*** off, so brain bided it’s time and 20 minutes later ordered colon to fire a warning broadside, so 10-12 atr warnings later I was up and heading to the bathroom. Brain can be a bastich at times… Have a 10am appointment to apply for a debit card and that will be my primary adult thing for the day. Also gym time and some house cleaning are also on the agenda. Temperatures are supposed to top out around 75F today with some rain this morning expected.

Oopsie, any flirting take place?

doggio, fingers crossed, just in case the powers-that-be don’t know what they have. And I had an Einstein pun ready but you beat me too it, so that’s all Fermi…

Pilot, you lived up St. Louis way so you know how hot and humid the summers get; hope this isn’t an omen for a real sweaty summer season there. And have had cancelled things before, is there any sort of list you can get on to be aware of this happening?

suzie, loved it.

FCM, safe travels and fixing. Hope MIL is ok for another day.

JtC, why is it called an Oort jar? I’ve heard of the Oort Cloud (the sphere of stuff at the very outer edge of the Solar system) but not a jar. And good (for you) that Hubs computer will be back soon in his game-playing hands.

Coppertone, I really hope this job works out for you. Woot indeed.

Wheelie, thanks and I couldn’t find the lyrics listed and am a little scared to listed to it, but maybe later in the day. Conga-rats on the trivia win and enjoy the traveling life.

Boo fae, some folks figure that if they have the time on the schedule, the meeting will last exactly that long. Good luck.

Taters, sounds like the job was a real pain yesterday, hope the rest of the week goes better. And good deal for the pups and for you.

And now I must break fast and finish the morning internettin’ before having to make myself presentable for visiting a bank. Take care and have a good 2sDay all.

I may go in for onboarding tomorrow. Was supposed to today but the e mail hasn’t shown up yet. Except tomorrow it starts as 60 and thunderstorms, then transitions to 33 and 50 mph wind in the afternoon! Fun bus rides…

Usual short heave. Shaggy went home “sick”. I’d suppose I’d have more sympathy for him, if he didn’t go around telling people he tries to work as little as possible.

I’ll be a stripper. For $100, I take it all off. For $1000, I leave it all on. :wink: And like I said, hopefully 100 more senior people don’t want to or can’t work Preload.

Well, it’s more about seniority in the union. It would be wierd if after 4 years there, I was “the new guy”