Other Straight Dope Message Board laws

But that isn’t unique to Welcome Threads!

BTW, How you doin’? :slight_smile:

[size=1]Very fine–like you ;)[/size=1]

:smack: meekly Mods?

Colibri’s Law: Any thread concerning cats has a better-than-even chance of ending up in the Pit or locked.

Ah, I see I’ve got you completely dizzy and disoriented already… :wink:
And don’t give me the “it’s early Saturday morning and I haven’t had my coffee” spiel. I know the truth :smiley:

You caught me. Me and my coding, we just can’t resist your spell :wink:

Corollary: Any picture thread will as well.

My speling is perfect every time! :smiley:

… and my puns are always this awful, too :eek:

The few times that you fail to preview are the times that your coding is wrong

The Nuremberg Law: In any argument, the first person to compare their oppenent to Nazi’s automatically wins.

Unregistered Bull’s Law- Any thread involving animals and kindness towards them will be hijacked, and spawn a Pit thread.

The Cynical Law: In any thread in which the Nazi’s are mentioned, someone will misquote Godwin’s Law.

(Godwin’s Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.)

They’re not likely to start well.

Eleusis’ law: As my BAC approaches .3, the probability of my posting on the SDMB approaches 1.

After reading this place for a while, I formulated the following:

Blinkie’s Fourth Law: When in doubt, keep it away from your genitals.

I believe the last straw was some thread about what would happen should a young man apply hot mustard to his no-nos.

The Agent Foxtrot-Mississippienne Effect: In every ten posts you write, one of them will accidentally be posted under your significant other’s login. The chances of this increase with a particularly witty post.


WhyNot’s Law: as a humorous thread grows longer, the probability of someone being whooshed approaches 1. :wink:

Revtim’s law: Whenever someone posts a link to an odd pic, someone else will say something to the effect of “That’s the worst photoshopping I’ve seen”, even when the pic turns out to be genuine and unaltered in any way.

Eutychus’ Law : In any thread positing the existance or creation of new laws, almost any given poster will create laws named after themselves.

The law of LIBERAL

Whenever his name shows up as a poster, someone will say “It’s always about you!”.