Outrageous lies about the previous poster.

Kalhoun is a Chiclet. The reason she looks like that is because she was chewed up, spit out and stuck underneath a desk at P.S. 103 in Saginaw, Michigan – not once, but 3 times.

Jesus. I’m gonna have to lay down for a few minutes.

Photopat is first chair in an armpit fart orchestra.

Mr Bus Guy is neither a Mr nor a Guy. However, he is a bus.

5-4-Fighting derived his name from his sentence.

Kalhoun flicks boogers at passing cars.

…with amazing accuracy. She hit racer72 as he went whizzing by!

Kalhoun knows the secret of eternal youth. She just chooses not to share because she’d hate spending the rest of eternity with you guys.

Sierra Indigo has the largest collection of the backs off of peel-off decals ever seen, in room devoted solely to that – that and putrid venison steaks.

5-4-Fighting only has five teeth in the upper jaw and four teeth in the lower. His screen name should be 5-4-Biting

Annie-Xmas writes 3 fan letters per day to Sanjaya…

(Ooops. I never check in Cafe Society… that might be true!)

Fetchund was recently implicated in a sordid tabloid affair involving Patrick Stewart and a moose.

Using a variety of pseudonyms, Sierra Indigo is single-handedly responsible for much of the celebrity gossip in supermarket tabloids.

Spoons has NEVER HEARD of George W. Bush.

I saw Mr Bus Guy kissing Santy Claus…

Mr Bus Guy organizes and carries out secret coffee switches at fine restaurants.

Kalhoun needs no batteries in her vibrator. By summoning the power of Alzheimer’s-to-be, her hand moves her plastic friend plenty fast enough once inserted.

Least Original User Name Ever had three Number 1 hit records by age 23, but gave up the music biz in favour of becoming a syndicated cartoonist. Today, LOUNE’s work is seen in 113 daily newspapers around the world.

The reason they call him “Spoons” is because that’s the only utensil they’d let him use in the mental ward, as a result of this, his mom will only let him eat with a spoon.

Indygrrl, contrary to what people actually think of her, is actually a nice person and will not bite your nipples off if given the chance.


Indygrrl is genetically unable to yawn.