Papsett, "The Rainbow Bridge," dog killing, and bullshit New Age pet philosophy

If it’s any consolation VCO3, I promise not to use the phrase “returned to the rainbow bridge”, nor any other euphemisms, in the VCO3 Has Been Banned thread that belligerent morons like you are inevitably awarded. Indeed, you may wish to look up the word “cacophemism” in advance.

I don’t. In fact, I plan on using it for anyone who has been banned from now on.
Its seems so much kinder…
"after repeated warnings here, here, and here, poster x has been sent to the rainbow bridge…

Why would I be banned? I posted an OP that some people disagree with. I’m not trolling or otherwise violating the board’s rules. You are insulting.

PapSett didn’t have her dog killed “to return him to the Rainbow Bridge.” She used the concept of the “Rainbow Bridge” to make something heart-wrenching a little less painful to her.

You say in your OP that you are not debating whether on not the dog should have been put down. Good, because you weren’t there, so you can’t know. So if you accept that they dog had to be put down, why the hell do you care how she comforts herself afterward? Your argument only makes sense if you are arguing that she had him put down unneccessarily–something you conceded you don’t know. And you wonder why people think you are an idiot…

Why is this sentence constructed with quotation marks when PapSett said nothing of the kind? :rolleyes:

Anyway, apart from that, I’m here to chime in with the rest of the posters who think you are a fuckknuckle VCO3. The reasons have already been clearly elucidated by others, so I needn’t rehash them.

Yes, but please refer to it by its proper name Bifrost. This is the SDMB. We have standards to uphold.

VC03 She killed the dog because it showed hostility to all other animals (including homo sapiens) in its environment. After discussing it with a suitable authority (note that this person worked in a dog rescuing operation and not the Church Of Saint Roy G Biv) it was decided that the dog could not be socialized and was a danger to people and other pets.

You mean by quoting someone as having said something they didn’t say?

How about “posting on the rainbow board”?

You’re kidding, right? It denotes that I’m paraphrasing the OP. If I were actually quoting them verbatim, I would

Paraphrasing is a long-held tradition to avoid having to completely repeat original sources in order to get the basic point across.

even better

What about this rule ?

Because you’re a hateful, insensitive cunt. She’s feeling bad enough already about having to put the dog down and you come charging in, blasting her for all the wrong reasons, not even bothering to read the thread properly, or you’d know your description of what she said was all wrong.

You post threads about how you want to butcher people for stupid petty shit, you refuse to admit it when you’ve been shown to be wrong, and you WONDER why people are predicting you’d be banned?

Fuck off the fuck off, you syphillitic anal tumor.


Are you dumb or just functionally illiterate?

The use of “…” indicates a direct quote in my part of the world. You must live in a different universe buster. If you wanted to paraphrase, you should have said, “I’m paraphrasing here, but…”.

And again, PapSett didn’t indicate that her pain had been lessened by the notion of where Jake was ‘going’ in his afterlife, so your paraphrasing was a gross and wilful misinterpretation as well as being technically incorrect.

Suck on that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, paraphrasing only works when you present what actually was said, not your own bullshit.

Well, I don’t think we’re living in an M.L.A.-citeable living document that conforms to style guides and standards, so I think the board runs on its own rules and inherent sense of intuitive style. Since we have a built-in “quoting mechanism” - the ability to place direct quotes in their own boxes - the old-fashioned system of using " " for direct quotes inherently and automatically becomes a paraphrasing mechanism. In other words, there are no “quote boxes” in traditional text, but since there are in hypertext, they replace the traditional " " brackets for quoting.

You’re kidding, right? I posted an OP that some people disagree with. How is it that the resulting barrage of personal attacks, insults, “fuckknuckles” and the like aren’t “jerk behavior” but my OP is?

Heh. Get out of my yard!

Can I use this as a sig? I will make sure to credit it properly, to wit: “Said by VCO3, who also said, and I paraphrase, ‘I am a piece of scrotal fungus. My brain sloshes in my skull when I flog my veiny rod, and I genuinely enjoy gnawing on frozen urinal cakes. Please ignore me as my mind long ago flung itself from the rainbow bridge due to enthusiastic ingestion of several foaming pipe snakes and consequently my various and sundry opinions have approximately the same worth and coherence as pigeon phlegm. Fhtagn! Fhtagn,’ loosely.”

Well, that’s definitely not what happened. I didn’t even post in the original thread out of consideration for the OP, but I was so horrified that I had to say something and the pit was the appropriate forum.

I’ve read the thread several times, always properly (perhaps you should try doing the same to my OP?), and this is my interpretation of the mentality at work.

Weasel of the year.