Peruvian hair

You guys make me laugh. I’m Peruvian! Of course I had to see what this thread was about. I went from - scratching my head in confusion to smiling then laughing out loud. :smiley:

“This is the dawning of the Age of Inka Kola…”

Brazilian something something…

I didn’t get where I am today by everything smelling of Bolivian unicyclist’s jockstraps!

Brazilian earwax?

If these are the new Lucky Charms marshmallows, I forsee a major shakup at General Mills.

If dealing with spammers generated more lines like this, it would be worth it.

Speaking of General Mills, I heard Colonel Lingus got promoted.

Better him than his sister Anna…

Brazilian wax…??

Which the colonel may enjoy…

Ah, someone knows about the yellow Peruvian soda. You know, there is a rumor about…er…its color. Nah…it couldn’t be… :eek:

Aww… You were almost there…

Q: Where does Peruvian hair grow?
A: On Lima beans!

Thanks, I’ll be hear all week. Try the cuy; tip your servers.

Well hair extensions are for cornrows, not cornfields. :smiley:

This thread is like one of those chickens with their head cut off but still run around a bit.

So you say. Can you peru’ve it?

After Perusing this thread, I’m still not sure what it’s about. Is “Peruvian hair” anything like “helmet hair”?

Thereby granting an extension to the hair extension.

(Crawls back from Oblivion)
Llama at this thread, I need some of the hair of the dog (or was it a hamster) that bit me. :cool:

No, this is not the strangest thread yet… Oh. Oh my…

It really did go south didn’t it?

In Peru, is it a hair of the llama that bit you?