Please welcome my sister Wacky Ninja

[obscure Bill Hicks reference]
She’s using her ninja powers to hide , just like the Gideons.
[/obscure Bill Hicks reference]

Sending you a vibe… ((((((((((WELCOME))))))))))

sorry i kept you all waiting…my computer was burned up in a fire, so the only time i can reply is when i am at work…i do like what i see so far…although i haven’t entered anything my brother has been in yet…
and nerd, you are right…that is exactly the quote i got this name from…that is all soulslings fault…he got me into comic books

as for the tutu–that is privelidged information
and balance–i havne’t met anyone weirder than my brother yet

wacky ninja

see! i knew she would make it here! what a gal!
and believe me sis, you’re gonna find much wierder than me here. i’m one of the more sane individuals on this board i believe… hehe… sane…

:::shuffles off to his dungeon lair:::

no more crack for you…
i highly doubt i will find anyone stranger than you

Where was Swiddles when I started my Felching? thread? Take it from me, you really don’t want to know. :slight_smile:

Oh, and glad ta meetcha!

Welcome to the board, wacky!

Rules/warnings to follow:

  1. Always call Coldfire Clog Boy. Trust me.
  2. Watch out for the Chief. He’s a bit pent up right now, and it’s making him have delusions about how we all lust after him.
  3. Hi Opal!

Anyway, enjoy posting!

Oh shit! No caps and all but non-existent punctuation. You really better watch out for ChiefScott. He is not going to be happy.

Dry, Dry, Dry…

Always jumping the gun, never a thought about restraint and prolonging the pleasures of life. One does not just leap to the end of things, one should savor, and enjoy. To gorge early ruins the pallette, and leads to indigestion…to sup lightly at first, lets one fully enjoy each small nibble as it is advanced.


She’s crossing a bridge!!

Sure, if you were wining and dining her, I could see this. Soft talk. Eyes meet. A gentle stroke on the cheek. A stolen kiss. Copping a feel…

OK. Strike that last one.

But in your original post, she’s crossing a bridge. She may not come (no pun intended) this way again. Her ship and yours may never pass in the night again.
She’s crossing a bridge!

I say get while the gettin’s good!

(And besides, when it comes to the ladyfolk, I’m a wanna be gourmand, not a wanna be gourmet!) :wink:

definitely his sister.
Looks like she’ll fit in just fine…

“Welcome back my friend,
to the show that never ends.
We’re so glad you could attend,
come inside, come inside!”

And don’t sweat none about me getting twichy. I’ll save all my “twichy” for Swiddles.

(And so as not to disappoint UncleBeer)

Capitalization is important, little Ninja.

That is why there is not one, but two, shift keys on your keyboard.

Please use them. We’ll get into periods, commas and the proper use of ellipsis later.

That’s my baby sister your all talking about like that! I’ll expect the silly remarks about me being strange from my little sister, but no way is anyone going to fawn over her without some compensation. For me of course. $50 and I’ll let you fawn over her. $100 and you can ask her out. Be wary, she’s a Jewish Woman born in NYC. The acronym JAP may come across your minds, but don’t mess with her, I still am her big brother you know.
And i really do own a Kitana.
now, be nice.

and ChiefScott, I’m already twichy for Swiddles.

I’ll try my best to remember what they taught me in school.
Soulsling–don’t you DARE call me a JAP. I’ll remember this when I see you Friday.
As for felching, or however you spell it…maybe I really shouldn’t ask.

Grew up in Queens, brother-in-law is a Brooklyn Jew. I’, not scared.

And isn't that an a - katana? Or are there 2 spellings, depending on tarnslation (like Kaddafy,Qaddafi, etc.)

lurkernomore, I’ve seen it both ways, but actually it’s a Tachi sword. Like the Kitana/Katana, but slightly wider, and has a hidden Mini Tanto in the sheath, along with a normal sized Tanto. Usually more elegant than a basic Kitana. I know how to use it. (grins from ear to ear)

…furthermore, I never said anyone couldn’t try, but it’s at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for any broken bones, hearts, or bruises. And that’s just what she can do…

Gee, big brother, stop trying to make me sound so sweet.
And furthermore, $150?!?!?!?
In Jordon, they tried to buy me with at leat 100 camels…

And besides, if anyone give you money you better give it to me, my house burned down, I need the money.

Raise your hands if you’re surprised soul is attempting to pimp his sister. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone? :wink:

Ninja, believe me on the feltching thing. And squicking, too, I just read that thread and wish I hadn’t. I can almost guaruntee it will NEVER come up in conversation. You will never think “Gee, I wish I found out what feltching was.” It’s worse than I imagined it would be, and I have a VERY active innerworld. Blech.

Oh, and I forgot to mention ChiefScott’s thing about the punctuation. Sorry. Not only is he twitchy, and there’s the thing about the punctuation, but smilies probably shouldn’t be used around him, either. He’s ornary, but we put him with him because he has an arsenal at his disposal. That, and the promise of Navy Dress Whites, perhaps the finest piece of male apparel ever designed.

And always wear sunscreen.


  You don't want you rcamels from soem of these guys - they end up,uh..*USED*

And better burned down than blown up. Gas leaks are nasty.