Pointless endings thread

No I didn’t miss it, I just don’t see how it improves the movie in any way. The “accentuation” you refer to was already present and the implication you refer to is not only undercut by numerous other elements of the film, it fails to add anything of value to the story. The recut may be closer to Ridley Scott’s “vision” (or at least what he claimed his vision was, years later) but that doesn’t make it a better, more coherent film.

I’m somewhat impassioned on this subject (:D) but to avoid hijacking this thread, I’ll start a new one sooner or later detailing my analysis of the original cut and presenting the premise that the recut was a waste of time.

WHAT ?! :eek:

Please tell me you made that up.

Can’t do. :frowning:

I loved some of the season 7 episodes (First Person Shooter, Brand X, Je Souhaite) but the show was pretty much in decline by that point.

Wait wait, really?! You seriously aren’t wooshing us here? Because I couldn’t stand to sit through the last couple seasons, but knowing that still makes me sad.

The Farrah Fawcett movie Extremities. She plays a woman trapped in her own home by a rapist who has her keys. She manages to turn the tables on him and trap him in her fireplace. She realises that he has set things up so that if she calls the police he will make her seem like a spurned crazy woman as no rape has taken place. So she contemplates murdering him. Her housemates return and they argue about the moral dilemma - if she does the right thing he will be freed and will come and rape her later, however if she kills him…

So then From out of the blue we suddenly find out that he is a serial rapist. From a radio/TV broadcast IIRC. So now it is possible to call the police and have him jailed for life. Moral dilemma solved.

I agree, it was a great ending. Great movie, too. Someone here recommended it to me. Whoever it was, thanks.

Seriously not a whoosh. Check out Sein und Zeit and Closure in season 7 for the relevant stuff.

I didn’t even bother turning on the TV anymore by the middle of season eight. I still refuse to believe there was a season nine ever made, produced, or created.

IIRC, they started foreshadowing back in Season 3 that Mulder’s memories of the abduction weren’t accurate.