Polycarp did you forget to take you pills?

Carson can’t be Jesus, he’s too busy being God!

David Spade? Prince William? I couldn’t find anyone who fit the bill on the Celebrities with Faulty Heart Valves Homepage.

Um …

Polycarp was just kidding, right? About the whole Jesus-has-come-back-as-a-blonde-with-a-murmur thing?

Was that a joke thread?

(Seriously. Was it?)

Even if Poly was joking (and I hope he wasn’t – Jesus sounds hot in that one), it wouldn’t have been a joke thread, seeing as how Poly wasn’t the OP.

Well, I dunno what’s going on there either, but from a conservative theological perspective, Poly’s wrong. The official conservative Christian party line is that the Second Coming of Christ will be dramatic and immediate, like lightning shining from west to east. And judgemental. Boom, like that. End of time, end of story, bring out the Book of Life and start reading off the names. No matter whether you want to view it as a metaphor or as a literal “book of life”, still it’s plain that it’s meant to be dramatic and obvious this time around. No quiet virgin birth, no dark-horse obscurity, no puzzled evangelicals wondering whether this one is the Real Messiah. It will be a no-brainer. Yup, that’s Him all right, the one on the left, the Lamb with seven horns and seven eyes…

And no, I’m not using the term “conservative Christian” here as a code word for “kneejerk holy roller Bible-pounding Fundie”, since other denominations like the Presbyterians and Lutherans believe in a literal Second Coming, too.

Now, apparently the Episcopalians believe in a more metaphorical Second Coming.

So I have no idea what Poly’s getting at, but I originally thought it was a a joke of some kind. I assumed it was a South Park reference (because of the OP), and since I don’t watch South Park I wouldn’t have any idea. So it’s not?

Well, Kenny’s heart was once replaced with a baked potato.

If the descriptions of these two characters were reversed I’d swear **Poly[/b[ was talking about Frodo Baggins and Sam :slight_smile:

Does Esprix have heart problems?

I’m just looking for a flimsy excuse to link to this. And now I’ve found it!

And there was great rejoicing.

Hey, badchad. Just what is your gripe with Polycarp anyway? So what if he believes he knows who the messiah is? How exactly does that effect you?

LOL, there is never a bad time to link an onion.

Remember George Michael and, eh, Andrew Ridgley?

Arnie (Gov of CA, actor, bodybuilder) had heart valve surgery.

Wait…a savior who is disabled by a chronic heart-valve problem. That’s Tony Stark!

Jesus is Ironman!!!

FTR, I don’t know how it affects badchad, but as for me, I like Polycarp, and I would be sad and disappointed if he turned out to be crazy. Take care of yourself, Polycarp.

A young man with a flawed heart and a dark-haired mentor, who contradicts Christian dogma and will make himself known very soon?

Sounds like someone’s awaiting Star Wars: Episode III a little too feverishly.

This whole thing reminds me of how Brian got mistaken for the Messiah in the first place. Make a slightly ambiguous statement, then run off, and don’t bother to fin

Sorry, but Poly is 180 degrees off in his pick for the return engagement of Jesus.

He has already appeared…in the guise of Cedric The Entertainer.
And the Lord is going to Nail Our Ass.

I agree with Mangetout.

I’m guessing Clay Aiken and his big (dark haired) buddy Ruban.