Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

That’s why I don’t drink anything while perusing the SDMB. :cool:

Yet Linda Berdoll couldn’t go five paragraphs.


Or perhaps just Flight of the Living Dead.


I’m looking forward to the revision of Silas Marner that has everyone eaten within the first two pages.


Some days I don’t mind living at the end of civilization.

I want a copy for my birthday… it comes out about then. :smiley:

Oh, hell yeah! I’m gonna get a copy for me and a copy for my friend who’s terrified of zombies!

I dibs the Keira Knightley zombie

I think the heirs or whatever of the Mitchell family would probably turned down such a fantastic story line as Gone With The Wind With Zombie Freshness!

Lord of the Flies With Zombies

**The Zombie French Leiutenants Woman

Grapes of Zombie Wrath!

The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe and the Zombies!

Portnoy’s Zombie Complaint!

Zombie Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Zombie Animal Farm!

Confederacy of Zombie Dunces!

The Englishman who went up a hill and came down a Zombie!
Henry the V with Zombies!

A Mid-Summer’s Night Zombie Dream!

The Oldest Living Confederate Zombie Widow Tells All! Page One. “BRAIIIIINS!” The end. **
What couldn’t be made better with Zombies?


Along those same lines, how about

Undead Again
Love Hearse
Four Funerals and a Wedding
The Royal Tenembalmeds

I have a friend who’s simultaneously terrified, and fascinated, by zombies.

In any case, once I saw the Pride and Prejudice “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style book, I figured that weird things like this couldn’t be far behind.

I’m thinking that The Phantom Menace could be hugely improved as The Phantom Menace Zombies! “Meesa want braaaaiiinnnsss!” :eek:

the silence of the zombies

a zombie runs through it

the zombie of alcatraz

I woke up early the day I zombied

brains: an imaginary portrait of George Romero

I Know What You Died Last Summer

The Zombit
There And BRAAAIINS Again

product placement

Dr Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the zombie

There’s a brief interview with the writer on this week’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Its during the “Bluff the Listener” game at the 20 minute mark or so.

Wouldn’t that be ‘Lord of the Zombie’s Flies’? :wink: