Pro-Obama Dems: No more Clinton-bashing, please!

No, we’re not terrified of her; we just can’t frickin’ stand her! :smiley:

(And for pretty much the same reasons that so many of the Democratic posters around here are railing against her now.)

Secondly, there are a surprising number of Republicans who genuinely like and trust Obama. I’m one of them. I won’t be voting for him, but I’ll be a lot less unhappy if he gets elected than I would be if Clinton is. I think once in office he’ll see himself very much as everyone’s president, not just the Democrats, and that he’d listen to and honestly strive to accomplish what he feels the people want. Clinton, on the other hand and despite her many other flaws, appears to feel she already knows what’s best for everyone and is determined to cram it down our throats.

Third, many Republicans don’t feel that McCain is all that much of a conservative anyway.

And fourth, the country seems ready for change and in need of a cooling down period, and if a Democratic president is going to happen anyway it might as well be someone of integrity and character rather than one who so clearly isn’t.

Well, sort of. First, we have the “kicking their sorry asses out” period, then maybe the “cooling down” period. Then the spanking, and then the oral sex.

And then the cigar.

As I understand it, free thinking individual Texan Republicans helped Hillary take Texas. But I’m unaware of any organized “Republicans for Hillary” movement. Individual Republicans seem to like Hillary’s relative conservatism. No one knows what Obama is, other than “hope.” I guess he’s somewhere between liberal and conservative. There is a Republicans for Obama group, despite no one knowing if he’s more liberal or conservative. I’m suspicious of their motives in supporting him. They certainly don’t plan on voting for him in November.

As for “gay-baiting, religion-drenched, anti-choice Republican party” politics Hillary is already a safe and refreshing change. She’s clearly pro-choice, not particularly religious, and her husband already tried to get gays equal rights in the military.

What’s Obama’s stance on these issues?

You confuse your own ignorance with a lack of substance on Obama’s part. Some good faith research would remedy that problem rather quickly. Or are you one of those Clinton supporters who complains about having to actually look at a candidate’s position papers?

Oh, that’s right. This is the pit. Shove your good faith research up your ass.

I’ll take that as a “no, I prefer to remain ignorant.” Suit yourself. But you know, not knowing the positions of the politicians you discuss does reduce your credibility just a tad.

No, no one knows anything about him. He’s an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, shrouded in mystery. Ooooooooo.

How do you know what they know or don’t know.

Wow, do you have the next super lotto numbers, too?

Wow again. You really don’t know your candidate very well at all, do you? Hillary’s not particularly religious? I think she would beg to differ.

Oh yeah, and we should really praise her husband on his pro-gay stances, because “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was so courageous, as was that fucking travesty DOMA. There simply aren’t enough rolleyes in the universe for that.

See for yourself.

BG, you should probably get used to the idea that if Hillary wins the nomination, the closest the Dems will get to the White House will be the immigrant laborers hired to mow the grass in the lawn.

If she’s so universally despised, where are all those votes coming from?

She’s not universally despised, obviously. She’s just the winner of every “who would you never vote for, no matter what?” poll that’s been taken, by a long shot.

The problem is that a lot of people seem to consider elections as the Final War Between Good And Evil (albeit one held every four years). Their side, obviously, is Good. The other side, by default, must be Evil. With stakes that high, it’s not just about supporting one candidate’s chances to win an election; it’s about saving civilization, humanity, life as we know it, and/or the universe.

She’s not ‘universally’ despised - though why not is a mystery to me.

Still, if you consider that roughly one-half of the country (Republican) either detest her or can otherwise be counted on not to vote for her…and roughly one-half of the remaining half of Democrats either detest her or choose to vote for her opponent…that leaves roughly one out of four voters nationally who are voting for her now.

Some of these people actually admire her - even around here such incredible statements can be found. Others vote for her simply because she’s a woman, and others vote for her because they’re desperate for government-provided health care and feel she’s the one they feel is most likely to make it happen. And some vote for her because they think (correctly, no doubt) that her presidency will really be another Billary presidency, only with the roles reversed and Bill likely calling more of the shots.

In the general election - should she manage to become the nominee - these people will still vote for her, plus she’ll gain the lion’s share of the voters currently supporting Obama.

This means the Republicans who are currently supporting Obama will swing over to McCain. A certain number of Democrats who supported Obama will either stay home or reluctantly cast their votes for McCain. And virtually every strong, anti-Democrat Republican in the country is going to evangelize their ass off to get people to the polls to vote against her. (Note that I said ‘against’ Hillary rather than ‘for’ McCain.)

Further, she is going to be up against a far more polished machine once the run-up to the general election begins, and the kinds of difficulties she’s been having throughout her campaign so far are likely going to be magnified severalfold.

All in all, I’m guessing Hillary would pull around 40% of the vote in the general election.

Oh, for heaven’s sake. No one’s going to get elected if they aren’t all religiousy and stuff. She’s pro-choice and pro stem cell research. I’m sure she sits at home studying her bible every night.

At least he tried with DADT. He fucked up and I resented him, but he got a shit-hell-fire-storm of resistance over it. I blame my so-called “fellow” Americans for that. DOMA as well.

Not bad.

you know what? After seeing the post that ** Harborwolf** provided about her latest attack I’m leaning towards willing to suffer McCain. I don’t think I can find it within myself to vote for Hillary. I have this thing about insincerity that makes her so incredibly distasteful to me its unbelievable. I’m afraid she’s supremely bash-worthy.

…and apparently she can’t even run a campaign. (which, I suppose is evident). Yet she’s supposed to be the one that can get a call at 3 AM and solve a major crisis?

I think we’re in for more Hillary bashing, alright.

If only they voted for the sweeter face of the establishment. Fuck, I’m being fatalistic again.

That’s funny. Republicans that vote for Hillary are free thinking and Reppublicans that vote for Obama are part of a conspiracy to get him elected because they’re scared of Hillary.

So you get all pissy about Obama supporters that won’t vote for Hillary because they don’t have a reason except for being spoiled brats and you won’t even look into Obama’s plans to find out if he’s the best candidate. Does that mean that all Hillary supporters only do so out of name recognition and laziness?

As above, this cuts both ways and you are essentially guessing which group really supports and which one is part of a conspiracy.

Yeah, stop with all the bashing. Be more like Hillary.

I’ve always leaned left, but this go around I just can’t get excited about Clinton or Obama.

I’m torn between staying home in November and promising not to bitch for four years, or voting for McCain. IMO the greater good would be served by not having the WH and Congress run by the same party, no matter how painful it would be to vote for another war monger.

Aw, fuck it. I’ll just stay home.