Quit posting stupid crap here

Well, compost. Bait. Are there others?

You’re funny, ivn1188. I like you.

Hmm, does this have something to do with keeping the tards busy?

No, that is just one of the functions, and the most trivial.

Those are exactly what the PIT is for. Or part thereof.

And, cites are always good- well except for those who can’t find any to support their position. (such as the OP)

And, I note that you aren’t even a member. In other words, you want us who support the board to post as you say, but you don’t have the balls to put your money where your mouth it. Sad. Sad, and pathetic. Sad, pathetic and cheap.

Go bother some other board.

Cripes, if that’s the case I wonder how many words you hemorrhage when you actually do care about something.

“Stupid crap,” he says.


wolfstu, that was a beautiful post. Polite beat down on the OP in his own wordy style, great.

See that? No warnings issued! Even Gfactor agrees ivan’s a douche!
Oh, fine…kidding, kidding

Someone call NASA quick!

We’ve just found the center of the universe.

That’s what she said.

I’m a little hurt that the OP didn’t mention my trainwreck of a pit thread.

No, actually, I said that I hate people like you posting here. I would point out the irony in that fact that you get all butthurt when I say you should immediately turn in any and all equipment that allows you to use the internet, and then join a monastery that eschews all contact with the outside world (and hopefully take a vow of silence), when you use every opportunity to point out, stalker-like, that I hate the fact that a board I enjoy reading is slowly being taken over by twits like you who can only argue by either a) picking on a single, minor point, and harping on it for 40 posts, or b) calling me stupid, yet you thoughtfully post, over and over, that if I don’t like it I should leave.

So, if you hate my posts so much, why the fuck are you reading them? Why don’t you leave (best result), or at the very least stop following me around and throwing in your peanut-gallery wanking? Or at the very least, change your username to “The pot calling the kettle black”.

p.s.: I know I am giving you the attention you so desperately crave, but my willpower is just not strong enough to prevent me from picking on such an obvious mental defective.

I think you guys are giving the OP too much crap. Some angry rants are better than others. Some have more originality than others. I think that the pit hasn’t lately displayed some of the high-quality anger that it has in the past. The OP could be wrong, but I think that his general view is correct.

I still can’t believe we can’t call anyone a cunt in the Pit. Where o where can we go for that?

That’s what happens when you have everyone walking on egg shells. Sometimes high quality rants call for higher quality swearing.

All I know is, that, by ivn’s own admission, his current post doesn’t belong in the pit. He’s not pitting a bunch of posters. He just complaining about how the board is run. He didn’t name names. He doesn’t even sound that angry. He invites people to say mean things to him.

I don’t think he’s a jerk. I don’t even care that he exists. He has absolutely no say on what goes on here, just like the rest of us. So why should I care about his poorly thought out, unintellectual rant?

It is useful to the rest of y’all though. If he makes you mad, you now know exactly what to do to get back at him.

I’m very proud that he mentioned mine. Gloat He obviously doesn’t like that we keep bringing up the stupid things Republicans do.

Thanks. We’ll see what if any response it gets from the OP.

This thread delivers a lot of entertainment value. Two thumbs up.

Oh look, the offenderati showed up to whine about the pit. Again. Shall I call a waaambulance? So hard to not click on a link. So hard to not read a thread after finding out it’s not to your lofty standards. So much time with so little to do. So little attention directed to yourself lately. My heart bleeds for you.

If the thread is breaking a rule, use the ‘report’ button like anybody else with at least half a brain, moron.