Religious couple doesn't know how to have sex and make babies, gets sex therapy.

Well, I recall my HS choir director telling us that Bach had 22! kids and literally wore out his first wife, so he seems to have figured out the sex thing just fine.

MY question is ( assuming this is not pure BS)…should people who can’t this out on their own ever be told? Seems to me that the gene pool would improved by them not finding out. They really couldn’t be all that bright.

Having lived in Germany, where sex is quite open and with no inhibitions, I find this story a bit dubious.

I do know a woman many years ago who worked for Planned Parenthood and gave one woman patient a spermicide in the form of foam. Two months later the patient returned to Planned Parenthood - pregnant. My friend asked her if she had been using the foam method and the woman replied, “for a few days, but it tasted so bad I stopped using it.”

Some things have to be explained more carefully to some people.

:dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious: :dubious:

I know what you’re talking about. It was Mad TV.

Doctor: Okay, you take your penis and you stick it in her vagina.
Husban: But, I go to the bathroom with that thing.

Parent Power

/got nothing

You’d THINK people’d figure it out - I mean, we obviously used to before we invented sex-ed. But I suppose if you’re not very experimental…

I’ve never done anything to her clitoris and I’m… wait, that’s not what you meant. Nevermind.

I’m on the fence but my BS meter is beeping a little.

I just keep thinking of that cheesy movie, The Blue Lagoon. Those were kids stuck on a deserted island. They figured it out.

:: D & R ::

Seriously, I could see it if both were highly religious and members of one of those fundamentalist churches where, even at home, such subjects would never be discussed. I used to worry about some of my Mormon friends who get married as virgins. I’d think, “what if the sex sucks and now they’re stuck with that person for ETERNITY?” And then I’d wonder how they figured out what they were supposed to do. Generally, it’s probably self-explanatory. Nobody ever had to tell me where the penis went.

Anyway. I wouldn’t buy a car without a test drive…

When I was an undergrad, back in the Jurassic Age, sex researchers Masters and Johnson came and lectured at our school.

They told us an identical story, about a college-educated couple who had failed to conceive, even though they were (literally) sleeping together. They had to be taught about sex.

This was Masters and Johnson, sex researchers, telling us this, as a first-person narrative, not as something that happened to a Friend of a Friend. They had no reason to lie. The scary possibility this raises is that this story is sometimes true.

I don’t buy the story, either. I googled “Universitätsklinik Lübeck” (which is the correct spelling btw). The only piece of news coming up was that they’re now in the process of transgendering a teenager (a first for Germany, don’t know whether other countries do that or not).

Seems to me they’re a pretty respectable institute, not one where researchers go around telling people about the hilarious stupid religious couple they had in the office today.

And while it’s pretty easy to find religious people in Germany, Abbie - I live in Bavaria where about 96% of people are either Catholic or Protestant - I think one would be hard-pressed to find such a sheltered couple (even though there are some pretty sheltered areas in more rural areas around here).

Well…a girl I went to university with (honours science student) began acting strangely.
Her roommates (friends of mine) finally sat her down and asked what the hell was wrong. She burst into tears and said she thought she might be pregnant. This seemed rather out of character (“nice” Catholic girl, from a super small town - boyfriend was the same) so they fished for more information. Turns out they had been making out, and he got rather excited and “finished the deed” so to speak. So they asked for a few more details. The key? They were both fully clothed at the time.
They all managed not to laugh at her - and then taught a little remedial sex ed.

Aren’t some religious people taught that SEX = EVIL ?

Under such circumtances, it’s not like sex would never occur to people - it’s just that when it would occur to a teenager, s/he would (if ‘successfully’ taught) associate it with badness and sin and all those other things.

I guess teaching ‘sex = evil’ should be accompanied with ‘… but it has its purposes.’

You don’t realize how much Mormons talk about sex, that’s all–where do you think those big families come from, exactly? When we Mormons got married…

-DangerDad was the first boyfriend I had that I didn’t have to teach about the Facts of Life. (Former bf’s were atheists, btw.) His mother had taught him well. We knew pretty well that we would be compatible before the wedding (but finding out for sure was nice, too).
-My friends were passing around a pile of books that simply went from one wedding to the next. We talked quite openly about what we thought. We each owned our own copies of The joy of sex, though.
-My roomie’s mother explained to all of us in great detail what we should do to ourselves pre-wedding in order to have a nice comfy time. We were all given tubes of KY Jelly as a wedding present. (“You won’t need this for long, honey, but it helps you be more comfortable the first few times.”) This was the same woman who told her kids, much to their TMI-itude, how much she and Dad enjoyed skinny-dipping in their pool and sex on the diving board afterwards.
-Once married, I made it my personal mission to explain the Untold Facts of Life to friends. This was mainly about UTIs and how to avoid and cure them–something many women don’t find out until it happens.
-DangerDad asked some newly-wed friends, with a grin, what the best part of being married was. “Are you kidding? The SEX!” they replied in unison. Another friend came back from Christmas laughing about how he and his siblings had gleefully discussed how great sex was now that they were married.
-In conclusion: it does vary, but in general Mormons are expected to know what to do and to enjoy it a lot. Should there be ignorance on the subject, there is a whole row of books in the LDS bookstore explaining just how important it is. IME Mormons are far more open and talkative than most non-LDS would expect–but mostly within their own circles.
BTW on another message board someone posted that they had heard the story years ago. I think with what’s in this thread, we can count it as an urban legend.

Once married, I made it my personal mission to explain the Untold Facts of Life to friends. This was mainly about UTIs and how to avoid and cure them–something many women don’t find out until it happens.


I really wish this were taught more to women. To find out how common UTIs are for sexually active women and how to minimize the chance of getting them would’ve saved me a lot of grief.

I ran into this one way back, late Sixties, early Seventies. I was reading one of those Readers Digest back-of-the-magazine stories. It was probably a condensation of either Intern or The Making of a Surgeon. Anyway, this young couple were trying to concieve with no luck. Turns out, they more or less had the right idea - between her legs - just not actually in. They eventually got it right! I think this was in New York. Of course they were both virgins when they married.

I guess if it felt good they figured it was the real thing.

This reminds me of a something that is supposed to have happened many years ago. A young childless couple to go to the doctor to find out why they are still childless. After some discussion it turned out that the couple were having sex, just not the kind you have if you want children. :smiley:

Oh yeah, that’s for sure. When I asked my mom why she had not told me this crucial information, though, it turned out that she’d only ever had one mild one that went away easily, and had no idea they were so common. She didn’t even realize that sex was the trigger, so hadn’t thought to inform me. I guess she’s just lucky or something, 'cause I’m very prone to them and it took me a long time to figure out how to really do a good job preventing them (I need to do more than the standard).

So it’s the first thing I tell any girl about to get married. It’s my own personal mission in life, to prevent UTIs and spread happiness around the globe. :wink:

A former friend of mine (we lost touch years ago) used to work for one of those nurselines. She had a couple of calls which indicated people could be startling naive about sex, conception, contraception, etc.

One women trying to figure out how the number of days in a month impacted when she conceived. She had two boyfriends and wanted the baby to be the result of the second, so she was trying to work out a counting scheme (do I have to count weekends?) that would change the paternity…

A gentleman who wanted to know about immaculate conception. See, his girlfriend and he hadn’t had sex (nor done enough without clothes on for one of those freak conceptions), but she was pregnant…

My cousin was the nurse practioner at a Catholic women’s college. She can tell some stories as well that indicate not everyone got enough sex education to really understand it all.

1,124,000,727,777,607,680,000 children would probably wear out most women.

The number of kids Bach had !=1,124,000,727,777,607,680,000.

It’s a lot closer to 4!