Republicans... which Republican would you prefer in the Presidency ?

Maybe because the OP explicitly asks who you would support "other than the incumbent." Some people do acually follow directions. :slight_smile:

But in my case, I would favor any of the guys I mentioned over GW Bush.

I really would vote for someone other than Bush, despite my Republican leanings, if a better choice were available. I spent a lot of time last night looking over the 3rd party candidates and quickly learned WHY they are all members of a 3rd party : they all have hugely unrealistic ideas that would never in a million years pass through Congress or work in the real world. I was disappointed. If I could find a viable 3rd party candidate to vote for, I’d do it even if they had no chance of winning, mainly to send the message that I find it unacceptable for the Republicans, or any party. to rely almost solely on name recognition and not on qualifications in nominating a candidate. (This would also apply to Hillary in 2008 if she “chooses” to run then. She may be more qualified than GWB, but I think if she is chosen it will be largely because of her last name.)

How 'bout Rudy Guiliani?

Proven leader in a crisis.

Proven record of fiscal responsibility.

Socially moderate/liberal.

Hard-nosed on defense.

Tough on crime.

I think if you can run a city as complex and tough as NYC as well as he did, you have the capability to handle the job of president of the US.

I consider myself a libertarian Republican. I voted for Bush in 2000 and will probably do the same in 2004, although my votes won’t be any significance (given that I’m from Massachusetts).

I’d prefer to see

Colin Powell
Bob/Elizabeth Dole

as a candidate, although really, anyone who isn’t in the pocket of the religious right would be great.

In other words, he’s a Republican. With the exception of the confederate flag thing, that’s all part of the Republican platform. Doesn’t sound like he’s on the fringe of the party at all. Sounds like dead-center to me.

Hmmm…didn’t know he was the darling of Democrats. I just said I thought he sounded intelligent; I certainly wouldn’t vote for him. I’m just ideologically too far apart from the Republican party; it would take a lot more than just opposing Bush to make me vote for one.

Y’know, that would be my preference too, really. I dig several people - NOT including our president - for their fiscal conservativity. Other pols I dig for their levelheaded social liberalism (those that don’t go all PC).

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Arlen Spector. He seems to be a standard fallback for the moderate Republicans around.

As a Democrat, I would be tempted to vote for someone like Spector or Lugar or Colin Powell. McCain seems like a quality, honest individual as of late but as Sam Stone has pointed out, he is too conservative for me. They seem knowledgeable and able to lead, which are qualities I believe are lacking in Bush.

Here’s the Washington Monthly on McCain:

And if you want something more current, you might read McCain’s comments about the Omnibus Budget Bill and read what he has to say about its media ownership and gun law provisions. Since I’ve long been familiar with McCain’s deep opposition to corporate misuse of the media, I’ll go with the latter:

Yeah, I like him. I would have loved to see him run for President this year as a Republican, a Democrat, or an independent.

I see that my cite contradicts Sam’s assertion about CAFE standards. My cite suggests McCain’s stance on abortion is much more pro forma than Sam’s assertion implies. I’d like to see a post-2000 cite on McCain’s support of school prayer, given that he pretty much burned his bridges with the Christian Right in the Virginia primary that year. And hardly any Democrat supports affirmative action that results in quotas, so McCain’s opposition to same is no problem with the Dems.

Having gone to McCain’s Web site, you’ll discover if you click on the “Issues” button that 26 different issues are listed there. Both abortion and school prayer are absent from the list, which indicates their lack of importance to McCain. Does he even have a current stance on abortion? A cite is welcomed.

Here’s McCain on global warming:

The bulk of my source material for that post came from On The Issues, which is a great resource for candidate positions.

Here’s the John McCain page.

Don’t get me wrong - I like John McCain. Always have. I just don’t get his appeal among people who consider themselves part of the left.

I did a lot of volunteer work for Rick Santorum back when he was a Congressman. I still believe he’s one of the most decent and honorable men I’ve ever met.

Love to see a Powell/Rice or Rice/Powell ticket in 08.

I “think” they are closer to me on social issues than GW but it’s hard to know since they don’t really have a voting record and haven’t run for office yet.

Other possibles

Elizabeth Dole
J. C. Watt.
Jeb Bush
Rumsfeld - Just to see him fuck with the press on a daily basis.

Condi or Liddy, provided they’re pro-life. If not, then shrug

Well, if Savage Love is to be believed, Mr. Santorum has said that no one has a right to private, consensual sex, and that states should be able to outlaw birth control.

I second Rudy…and mark my words, we haven’t seen the last of him.

This would be the same Dan Savage that licked doorknobs to intentionally spread the flu. :rolleyes:

What Santorum was attacking was the finding of a constitutional right to these things in a document that plainly never mentions them.

Ah, yes. Santorum is so decent and honorable, as long as you’re not one of those horrible, evil homosexuals.

Colin Powell would have been my first choice hands-down, but he’s blown it with the whole Iraq thing. Really blown it.

McCain…eh, he does the populist thing well, but I don’t feel like I can figure him out. His record is kinda schizo. I think he’s more the consumate politician than he wants to appear…and I don’t want another dyed-in-the-wool pol unless he’s willing to come clean about it.

Liddy Dole: I like her…she can be pro-life if she wants, so long as she agrees to disagree with the pro-choice crowd. A straight-shooter and apparrently an honest broker. I’d take her over another senator who would like to follow her husband’s presidential aspirations, quite frankly…

Bush…ach! The affable lug thing took about a month to wear off, and then the slowly growing fear set in. I don’t hate the guy; I’m terrified of him. Actually, I’m more frightened of some of his cabinet and the VP, who we all know basically run the show. Whoever the GOP might put up as an alternative, I’d at least be more encouraged if they showed some clear semblance of intellectual control. Beyond “my way or the highway,” (or, more likely, Dick, Rummy and Condi’s way or the highway) I don’t know what the hell Bush is about. He seems to be a shipmate unwittingly blown in the wind, a passenger who thinks he’s the navigator. A meaner version of Reagan. I’d take even Arlen Specter over that any day of the week and thrice on Sundays.

Geez, have my standards sunk.

I can’t believe I forgot about Rick Santorum!

Definitely Rick, hands down.