Revolution - Season Thread

I REALLY wanted to watch this, but haven’t been able bring myself to. The On Demand channel had a snippet of the pilot in their loop, and there’s scene where a girl and a guy are sitting in a diner or something, and the dialogue was just awful. The girl says something like, “My mom…is DEAD. My dad…is DEAD. And you’re going to help me…(blah, blah, blah).” The guy responds with something like, “And why should I help you?” To which she responds, “Because we’re family.” Her delivery was just SO bad, it completely turned me off from watching it.

I’ll keep watching this thread though, and see if anyone makes it sound interesting enough to get me to watch the whole pilot.

Yeah, don’t the types that would either have formed or joined the militia tend to have a pretty good pile of ammunition piled up? Of would it have gone bad in 15 years?

And the lack of steam engines was disturbing - my father-in-law collects steam engines, and I can’t think of any explanation short of “A Wizard Did It” that would stop steam engines from working. Wim Wender’s “Until The End of the World” featured a post-EMP world, and some folks had a hand-cranked truck that still worked.

Yeah, I’d read a lot more carefully thought out post-apocalyptic fiction.

I have a strong feeling this will be dealt with flashback-style, a la LOST.

I guess it’s magic. So generators are out but you could still have steam, wind, water which can all do work besides turning generators. I don’t buy going all the way back to muzzle-loaders. We’re supposed to beleive that all cartridges were used up in fifteen years? And even if we accept that, what about pressing more cartridges, casting more bullets? There’s no need to skip over the 19th century in this rush back to the 17th. Think steampunk rather than swords and sandals. But mostly I wish it was more traditionally post-apocalyptic (Canticle for Leibowitz) than magically suspending fundamental physics.

Oh well, seeing Mr. Fring again was fun.

No one complaining that one guy with a sword took out eight guys with swords and guns? That was the most eye-rolling moment for me.

The rest of it was rather meh. Do the producers not realize that Wrigley field is in the middle of a city with buildings that are not likely to be gone in 15 years? It looked like they had it in the middle of a cornfield. Especially since that was directly followed by another downtown Chicago scene with intact buildings.

Agree about the steam engines. I wanna see 4-8-8-4 locomotives barrelling down the BNSF tracks.

I’m also confused about the rule on guns. Do they work or not? Why would a muzzle-loaded rifle work but not a handgun? Or do all guns work but no one has them? And if that’s the case where did they all go? How did all the pavement in the neighborhood disappear in just 15 years? If that guy worked for Google and had 80 million dollars in the bank why did he live out in the suburbs of Illinois on a dead-end street? How did the brother live as long as he has with such sever asthma?

Watched it, couldn’t say that I loved it, but I will probably keep watching it as there aren’t that many good shows on TV right now anyways. Plenty of ammunition for people to nitpick from the clothes, makeup, weapons (why did they have to use Revolutionary era rifles? And crossbows are not that easily cocked, at least the ones that can shoot more than 10 feet), the lack of govt, etc. There is really no rational explanation for why losing electricity would cause the complete demise of the US govt and the formation of “militia” leadership.

Even without electricity the US govt is in control of the largest cache of guns, ammo and weapons around. Unless the Generals themselves decided to revolt, I just don’t see the entire govt falling apart just because there was no electricity. We would just go back to a George Washington, Thomas Jefferson style America and government.

Is it wrong that I’m hoping for the whole Matheson family to die horribly because they’re that stupid?

Ugh, terrible. Cliche riddled crap. It got marginally better at the end when the “conspiracy” was hinted at, but 95% crap.

I’m re-watching some episodes of Lost right now, and with all its flaws, it’s orders of magnitude better.

Thanks for the explanation. That and the subsequent stuff I read (a magic amulet that makes computers work again?!) plus the pedigree from that show about the magical island I will not name, seals the deal for me. Ain’t watchin.

I’ve already decided that I will do with this show what I did with The Event: DVR it until there seems to be a consensus that it’s worth watching or until it gets cancelled, whichever comes first. :slight_smile:

Saved me a lot of time with The Event, I can tell you.

I’ll give it another couple of episodes, but I’m not loving it, either. It is pretty cliché-riddled, and I hate most of the characters (especially the “We’re family” young idiot).

It’s always insightful to see just what breaks each individual’s suspension of disbelief. For me, right at the very beginning, the falling plane did it. Perhaps if it was in a sharp turn near an airport where it was climbing or descending, but otherwise, planes will not just drop in a spin like that.

That and everyone/everything is too damn clean.

Might well have run out of generator fuel in 15 years, and since whatever happened also hit cars and planes, I gave some thought to EMP as a possibility (which would permanently hose equipment, if I understand correctly).

I’ll give this another episode or two, but I really hope that either it’s a decent ensemble cast or the adolescent princess brat does a LOT of growing up FAST.

And the asthma inhaler - wouldn’t that be kind of 15 years expired? Okay, well, maybe 14 years expired.

I’m kind of hoping she does a lot of DYING real FAST. :slight_smile:

OK, that’s a valid one, too :). I really don’t know how long the shelf life is on those, but it’s probably not in double digits.

Except that at least according to Wikipedia, she’s the lead character. :frowning:

Well, I can still hope.

That’s great if you love the way “Heroes” was destroyed by giving the lead to a snot nosed, preachy girl and shoved to the side or killed off far more interesting characters.

I hope it doesn’t get Claire Bear bad.

I’m not saying I disagree with you. :slight_smile:

Never watched “Heroes”, so can’t comment on any similarities to that show. Well, I could, but I’d be pulling a lot of that out of the exit end of my digestive tract. :slight_smile:

I suspect that as the series progresses, we will learn that things like this occurred because economic realities were transformed overnight and–human nature being what it is–there were plenty of folks around to take advantage. That line about having 80 million in the bank before the lights went out wasn’t just a throwaway;such sentiments will be a latent theme of the series–and at the very least this theme could make for some compelling drama in flashbacks.

In the case of the army, the US government only controls those guns/ammo/weapons as long as it’s willing/able to pay its soldiers.

Here’s my physics-wank…the secret lab created a field generator that altered the very nature of pi itself. Pi is no longer a constant, but constantly fluctuates chaotically, making anything dependent on cyclic processes immediately fail. Perfect spheres and circles, as we know them, cease to exist, or only in a brief ephemeral state. Therefore, anything rotary or magnetic will sieze up in a mechanical mess.

A side effect of this is that small fibres, such as hair and clothes, are easily able to repel small round particulates like dust, and have given an unanticipated boon to the cleanliness and upkeep of hair and fabrics.