Ridiculous TV stuff that spooked you as a kid

I found her! The comments are mine. Damn scary, even today.

Sigh. I meant to link to this.

Just… never mind.

Now I’m scarred for life…

Sol, from TVO’s Parlez-Moi.

Geez, that entire show creeped me out.

Between this and ‘Penis Ensues’ I’m beginning to think you have a fixation…


A marionette show called Terrahawks, whose main baddie was a witch, or some shit. She was all wrinkled up. I hated that show, scared the crap out of me. Maybe it was just the marionettes. Shows you were scared of seemed to go on forever… Maybe because you had to go away and play for a while until something else came on, and as a kid with no sense of time, everytime you checked the tv the scary show was still on.

The scariest movie I saw as a kid was Darby Ogill and the little people, it had a Banshee ghost and a Death caoch, each done with a glowing effect. It had such a strrong effect on me as a lil’un, that fifteen years later watching The Fellowship of The Ring, when Galadriel did her “Queen of Infinite Beauty” transformation, complete with Darby O’Gill-esque glowing, I wanted to run out of the theatre. I sat there with my eyes closed: I was terrified.

I had TOTALLY buried this in my deepest subconscious until I read your post! The bean sidhe and the death coach both scared the HELL out of me. Easily the scariest Disney movie I’d seen up to that point.

I hated the music from Unsolved Mysteries, it really used to scare me, and one episode about a guy that killed his wife and was “Most Wanted” scared me alot.

No, not for the obvious reason, but because the report said the guy had “hammer thumbs”.

OMIGOD he had hammers for thumbs!

Beaker from The Muppets scared the crap outta me. He was just so…not right. And then the Scientist guy with him had no eyes but wore glasses. NO EYES! :eek:


The Thunderbirds puppets (and any puppets in that style) creep me out. I never could watch those shows!

I was also terrified of the movie “Opération Beurre de Pinnotes” (The Peanut Butter Solution). I found out my husband hated it too - what the hell prompted people to show that movie to kids?? I remember hiding under a blanket and crying when my parents rented it (again? I remember already knowing I didn’t like that movie!) They had popcorn (which, at the time, I hated) and nothing else as snacks, and I felt so scared and lonely and my parents obviously didn’t like me! I must have been about 6 at the time. shudder I still tease my mom about that childhood torture!

And the Magic Cookie in my Grade 1 reader (the one where you learned colours). This stupid claymation type pictures of a grey world, and this ugly grey gingerbread cookie, and she suddenly gets up (wtf??) and runs away from the store, with the store owner running after her. She sees a yellow bird, so she STEALS the yellow for her coat, and the bird flies away all white! Then she does the same thing to other animals… a green and purple frog turns white because the bitch steals the colours for her pants, and a red (something - I forget the animal - fish, maybe) turns white for her boots, and an orange cat turns white for her hair…arrgh! Terrified me, and we had to read this stupid story for WEEKS until the curriculum decided we knew our colour words enough to move on! My mom is a teacher, and she comes home with that book sometimes when her class is at that point, and I still find it creepy! She doesn’t understand, and says no kid has ever told her they had a problem with the cookie. Of course, my teacher didn’t know I didn’t like it either, because I suffered in silence. I wonder how many more scared students are out there?

I’m gonna have nightmares tonight!

When I was a kid, “The Thing” (the one with James Arness) just terrified me!
Also “Gort” from “The Day The Earth Stood Still” Gave me and my friends nightmares. (Platu Marada…something) We all memorized the saying just in case! :slight_smile:

Anastasaeon, I’ve got an old potholder mitten around here somewheres, made of a piece of blue shag carpet from the 70’s.

If I wear it, will you be my Valentine?


Klaatu barada nikto

Why yes, yes, I AM a geek. I can even trump that level of geekery by noting that George Lucas paid homage to that classic sci-fi film in Return of the Jedi, by naming three of Jabba’s skiff guards Klaatu, Barada and Nikto.

[sub]I was afraid of Count Von Count on Sesame Street.[/sub]

Once upon a time in the early eighties I really couldn’t stand those sick little shape-shifting freaks that appeared on the German Sesame Street.
Another character that I found irritating was Herr von Bödefeld, the aristocratic gender-ambiguous trickster figure from Sesame Street. clip

I remember that show! In Atlanta it used to come on super early on Saturday mornings, before the good shows. My sister and I would catch the tail end of it. There’s was a girl puppet who was a rock star and had pink hair. She sang the closing theme song entitled “Living in the 21st Century!”

Speaking of Saturday mornings, there was this “afterschool special” kind of program that aired on ABC. It was a live-action show, but it would start off with this giant cartoon book opening up. Then after the show, the giant cartoon book would close. I don’t know why, but it scared me.

The giant mammoth things that opened the Muppet Show scared me too.

There was this PBS show that came on during the summer called “Read All About it!”. Everything about the show was scary to me, even though I loved it.

Are you serious? I’m really curious as to why, because it also spooked me. I don’t even remember the show (I’d even be hard-presed to identify it if I saw a rerun now), but I do remember having nightmares about the little kid. In the dream I’d be all cheerful, at a playground or something, and then I’d see the little boy just standing there, at which point I’d wake up crying and screaming for my mother.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why that show would have been scary.

Did anybody else watch Ghostwriter? Does anyone else remember that little glowy orb thing that was supposed to be the ‘ghost’ moving around the screen?

Yeah. sheepish

I vividly remember the scariest scene I ever saw on TV as a kid, but I’m having a hard time remembering exactly what the show was called. It was some children’s tv show during the 80’s and the main characters were a lady and a very large, talking Victrola. The show, I guess, was for teaching kids about music. They’d have bits about what “rhythm” means and different instruments and things like that.

During one episode, the record-player and the lady were talking about theme music. The point they were making was that theme music helps people figure out what’s going on or what’s about to happen in a performance. They demonstrate the principle by showing a kid in his bed, all alone, trying to fall asleep. Then, suddenly, really scary music starts playing and the kid becomes frightened when he hears creepy footsteps outside his room, and then the doorknob starts to turn slowly, and the kid is literally hiding under his covers and the door opens to reveal that there’s no danger at all. “It’s only his mother,” the narrator points out.

Ha-ha, clever trick. They fooled you by making use of theme music. Lesson learned. Except, as a kid myself, I found the whole ordeal terrifying every time I watched it (my parents recorded shows for me and I watched and rewatched them all ad nauseam). It wasn’t even that I had a bad memory or anything, I actually thought it might be different every time. Maybe instead of his mom, it would be a monster. My childlike brain couldn’t handle it.

So that was pretty scary, but what I’m really interested in is finding out the name of the show. Up until a while ago, I would have sworn on a stack of holy texts that the show was called “The Magic Music Box.” I can hear in my head right now what I think is the theme song, singing “it’s a magic music box” over and over. This phrase presumably refers to the talking Victrola, who almost certainly acquired its power of speech magically, like a peaceful, more educational Juggernaut. Yet after extensive Googling, I can’t find any connection between the name and the show. Does anyone else remember seeing anything like what I’m talking about?