Robin Hood: Men in Tights - not a good movie, but I still get the urge to watch it about once a year

I’m with you there. Anytime I’m having a meal and someone offers me a roll I quote that line, and get strange looks.

“Let’s get out of these ladies clothing and get into our tights!”

“Blinkin! Fix your boobs; you look like a bleedin’ Picasso!”
(Oh, and it was Rottingham who was “jackhammering” Marian. Not Robin. Robin had to “Call a locksmith!”)

That’s the one time I laughed.

WHAT? This movie is great, y’all. My favorite Brooks movie. Richard Lewis’ neurotic Prince John (“I have a mole?!”), Rottingham taking a jackhammer to Maid Marian’s chastity belt, and of course Cary Elwes as the dashing Robin Hood. The movie holds up fine on its own, but is extra funny if you see *Prince of Thieves *beforehand.

It’s my fourth favorite Mel Brooks movie (after Young Frankenstein, *The Producers *and Blazing Saddles). The “Men in Tights” number cracks me up every time.

I thought the film was pretty decent. Both those scenes made me laugh. I also laugh just thinking about the scene where Robin goes to the archery contest disguised as an old man. The sheriff recognizes him, and says to the prince, “The old man is Robin!”

Prince John replies in a skeptical tone, “Are you sure? He looks like Mark Twain.”

I don’t know why but that gets me every time. I guess it works well because Elwes does look like Mark Twain in the disguise, and just how little sense it makes for Prince John to know what Mark Twain looks like. I wonder if that line was in the script, or if Elwes just came out looking like Mark Twain and they decided to throw that in there.

Ughh, I HATE that guy…

The night is young, and you’re so beautiful, lady!

It’s a great movie! The OP pans everything except Elwes and Rees, but that’s like saying a hamburger was awful except for the meat and bun.

And, of course, “it’s good to be the king.”

That’s from History of the World, Part 1, not Robin Hood: I’ve Lost Any Talent I Once Possessed.

It’s in both.


As others pointed out, it’s in both, because Brooks uses Robin Hood: Men in Tights to riff on his own movies.

I think you mean “rip off for ideas I had back before I lost all talent for writing and directing,” not “riff.” :smiley:

The movie hurts me so much to watch, no wonder my mind blanked out the duplicate dialogue. Brooks, unfortunately, is a person who has gone downhill from the very start, IMO. The Producers, The Twelve Chairs, Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein are all legitimate works of genius. Each movie thereafter marked a drop in quality/funny/originality, usually geometrically.

Oh, well. as my grandfather once said “If we all had the same tastes, everybody would be hot for your grandmother.” :smiley: