Rogaine: I hope your marketing director gets hair in unwanted places

And people buy that sort of thing every single day.

While I, as stated above, didn’t think the world of the specific ad in question I understand why it was done. Typically you should play to a women’s insecurity and to a man’s greed.

Pitched woman: Oh no! Without product X I’ll be cold and lonely!

Pitched man: All right! With product X I’ll get laid!

Disclaimer: I’m not saying it’s right, or correct or morally benign. I’m just saying that it works.

So I agree that making an insecurity pitch at men (though they’ve certainly tried to develop a women’s market for Rogaine) is sort of counter to conventional wisdom I could also say that maybe they think they’ve got a product that defies conventional wisdom. Anything is worth a test, after all. If it works they suddenly have TWO handles on their male customer base.

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When you can’t get laid

'Cause you look like Sinead


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Who did that parody song? One of the funniest I’ve ever heard.

I don’t know who did it but 98 Rock out of Baltimore was playing it 10 years ago.