Rush's unfortunate boner...

Channeling Jack Nicholson:

Is there another kind?

And like I said, my opinion is that personal responsibility trumps those ideas. Don’t like it? Meh. Inversely, I could point out all of the foibles with the FDA and what they don’t/do let go to market. (Ahem, VIOXX or Plan-B, ahem). The best thing is for consumers to be self-educated enough to make their own adult choices. Reliance on a fallible system has its own inherent risks that adding a pile of laws to will not help.

Longer, too!

Rush Limpbaugh

Hell, with some, like antibiotics, you’re not just putting yourself at risk. Abusing antibiotics has the potential to cause strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which fucks over everyone.

His, I mean.


The strangest thing just happened… I opened the link but it was loading very slow, I’m thinkin’ from spyware, and when I grabbed the page and pulled it down it took Limbaugh’s picture right at his neck and stretched it all the way down so that it looked for all the world like Rush’s face on top of a really big dick, kinda like a giant, pornographic albeit conservative Pez dispenser. Weird.

Please don’t bring up the “for more than four-hours” thing…I get chills…

Ah, then you just want to say, “this is my opinion,” without having to defend your POV.

OK, my opinion is that you’re an idiot.

That’s like saying that because my car’s brakes could fail, I just shouldn’t bother with brakes at all. Or, at least, that’s my opinion.

You’re right - everybody should have a pharmacist’s degree, or suffer the consequences.

My opinion is that you’re really, really stupid.

If the dude needs a pep pill to perk up the pudgy pope, it is nobody’s business but his own. Where his idiocy lies is not even consulting his attorney on the legality of the name switcharoo when he has a plea hanging over his head. Does Viagra suck all the blood out of the upper brain?

It’s a eugenics thing. He and Ann Coulter are attempting to breed/hatch a demon spawn who will get the Republican nomination in 2052.

Rush Speaks

How’s that different from the way he usually looks?

And my opinion is that you can’t defend your position with ad hominems. So, meh.

Wow, that’s some lazy logic. To make it a comparison that would be more apt would be to discard the car since the brakes failed.

Again, it’s not an either/or syllogism or false dilemma. If folks chose not to educate themselves, they can go to…hmm… maybe a doctor or pharmacist who would recommend the drugs they should take. As an adult they’re allowed those choices.

[Peg Bundy]Yes, and then the brain will promise anything to get the blood back…[/Peg Bundy]

Figures. All he can do is joke about it. Would that he would rack something besides his brain. . . .

Slimebaugh’s lawyer is saying the bottle was intentionally mislabeled. Wouldn’t it be illegal for a pharmacist to knowingly print false information on a prescription label?

Anyway, given the terms of his plea agreement, it looks like Rush is, ahem, going down.

I doubt it, but one can hope. Viagra? More embarassing than Celebrex, but hardly more mind-altering. The judge would have to have a har…eh, a great desire to prosecute, and Rush is well-represented.

One thing though: What’s this muttering about “sex tourism”? Apparently Rush was returning from the Dominican Repub., which reportedly is turning into a Caribbean Bangkok of sorts.

I see potential in that angle. Muahahaaa.

I dunno. How is this all that much different than accepting a sample of a prescription drug from your doc? I mean, apart from the conditions imposed by his previous conditions. After all, it appears the Viagra was perscribed by his regular doc, right?

I hope he gets a stiff penalty.