Salesgirl wearing political info at Penneys - WTF?


And before the Common Scold chimes in, this applies to all political parties, regardless of who happens to be popular or unpopular at the moment.

I’m a bartender, so I discuss things with my patrons that are usually way beyond the realm of somebody working retail…

But I have three classic NEVERS, which are:

a.) religion

b.) politics

c.) abortion

Not to say I’ve never mentioned any of the three over the years, but I try my best never to bring up/discuss any of them, because it generally leads to chaos. Especially after my patrons have had a few.

So if I were to see a clerk/salesperson with a political pin on, I would wonder what their point is…because if a customer already likes that politician/party, you’re preaching to the choir, and if the customer DOESN’T like or support that party, you’re not going to change their mind.

The best outcome is a shrug. The worst outcome is some bored/outraged customer bitching to your manager about it.

I don’t see the point. It wouldn’t offend me personally, but I don’t see the point.

It offends me. I don’t share my political views with anyone- and don’t expect anyone toi impress theirs on me- no matter how discreetly. I wouldn’t complain however.