Scotsman having sex with bicycle...

From the article:

That is ridiculous. But then again if he was moving into my neighborhood I’d want to be informed so I can lock up my bike.

For those of you who are bike-curious, may I suggest one of these rugged and outdoorsy types, in case you want to get your huffy on.

So how come the bicycle goes free? Is peddling sex not a crime in Scotland?

Moved from IMHO to MPSIMS.

Mine goes up to 11!

You can’t ride a dildo to work. Well maybe you can, but it’s not as fast.

And the new catchphrase is…

But was it a girl’s bike? Or a boy’s?

Or was it a Tandem? That’d be like a threesome.


Good thing he didn’t ride a motorcycle. Youch!

I prefer the mixed-frame Peugeot, but that ought not surprise anyone.


It amuses me to note that the last sentence says,

‘He now lives in Ayr’

As if living in Ayr is maybe even worse than going to jail or something.

Was he a “top” or a “bottom”?

Sounds like a cycle jerk to me.
But then, some of these look feasible!:

Maybe he was sucking it. I mean, there are a lot of ways to have sex with a bicycle, and almost none of them involve insertion.

If the guy had been having “oral sex” with the bicycle, you know these guys would have mentioned it to the cops.

What I want to know is what has this news done for the sale of bicycles in Scotland?

I don’t own a bicycle. I do have a saxophone. Once you’ve had sax, you never go back.


Reminds me of the old T-Shirt Hell shirt with a drawing of

a girl who seemed to be about six years old, having sex with a flute

with the caption, “Music In A Minor”. :wink:

You slip the tire pump in, you pull the tire pump out, you slip the tire pump in, and you shake it all about…

Friends don’t let friends ride (or have sex with) a Huffy. It’s the bicycle equivalent of the coked out, drunk meth abuser sitting at the end of the bar. Sure that Huffy looks good with your beer goggles on. But the next morning when you wake up sober and see what it looks like in the morning light. :eek:

Or perhaps he dinna understand how to pronounce Fuji, and thought it was like “fudgy”.

Maybe someone should send him a “Do Not Disturb” sign…