SDMB Weight Loss Club, September 2008

As of last Sunday I’d crept back up to 200.5 pounds, partly thanks to bro-in-law’s wedding and partly the fortnight in France. It’s not exactly desperate yet, though.

Getting back on the straight and narrow and seeing if I can’t manage 175 by year end. First weigh-in will be the day after tomorrow.

Tackles FaerieBeth, gives her huge hug!

I’m so glad you’re back! And congrats on the weight loss! Now, as to that fine looking hubby of yours…when is he coming back?

Wow! I am so glad that you’re doing this, and so glad that you’re seeing that kind of amazing success. That’s nearly 3 pounds per week, which I think is a bit on the high side, but dayum, girl!

I hope you feel great about yourself every day.

Heh–I think it’s high too, but the first week was eight pounds and a couple of other weeks were four. So on the whole it’s been between a pound and two which seems healthy. I eat whenever I’m hungry and even sometimes just for fun so there’s no starvation involved. Thanks for your encouragement as always.

I lost almost 50 pounds with Weight Watchers about five years ago. I quit going, though, and in the past year or so have gained about 15 pounds. I re-joined last Friday, and at today’s first week weigh-in I lost 4.4 pounds.

I feel a lot more in control and less upset about the fact that I fell off the wagon now that I’m back on the plan.

I hate exercising, though! We do have a really nice treadmill that I swear I’m going to start using regularly!

Hi All,

As I can now post again after years of lurking, I’d like to become a loser :slight_smile: Actually, I already am a big loser!

I was diagnosed, at age 40, with type 2 diabetes on January 24th (actually, it was technically hyperglycemia with a FBS of 171; a second blood test a couple of weeks later, slightly above normal – I think it was 127 – made the diagnosis final). It was not a surprise at all; a test a couple of years prior – never followed up on – was high, and I had been experiencing more frequent urination, so I went into this appointment with my new doctor fully expecting the diagnosis.

My weight was 342 pounds, total cholesterol was 239, with a triglycerides of 288, HDL of 48 and LDL of 133.

On leaving the doctor’s office, I immediately bought new scales for me and my food, went on a low-carb diet of around 1200 calories per day, joined a gym, and made an appointment with a nutritionist for two weeks later.

After evaluating my sugars with an at-home monitor, the doctor wanted me to start some medication, but I informed her that it was my intention to try to fix it through diet and exercise, and had already started down that path.

The nutritionist told me that my current diet was not nearly enough food (although I really wasn’t experiencing any hunger pangs) and sent me away on a 2200 calorie-per-day diet plan. So, it turns out I eat pretty much the same thing every day, but that’s not something I find terribly horrible. I’ve also been going to the gym very nearly every day, and am certainly in the best shape of my life.

Since January 24th I’ve lost right around 100 pounds. My most recent FBS was 101, total cholesterol 155, triglycerides 95, HDL 49, LDL 87, with a hemoglobin A1C of 5.6. I hope that I may soon be able to rid myself of my Og-forsaken CPAP.

It sure as shit is not easy though. I’ve eaten more fruit in the past eight months than I did in my life preceding. I never liked yogurt, but have actually grown fond of some of the light yogurts. I wish to hell I was one of those lucky people that get an endorphin high off of exercise, but truth is I really don’t. I also find sweat pouring down my face to be majorly annoying, but it’s what is required, so that’s my lot.

I look forward to continuing to read your trials and tribulations as well, and hope to be able to provide some of the support we all need :slight_smile:

That’s amazing–so great! Those numbers don’t lie–what a difference. ** Wow.**

Hugs back Congrats to you, too!!! Whoa. 1 lb away from goal. That must feel so fantastic!

As for the husband, I’m sure he’ll ease back into things soon. He’s also on a fitness kick (for those on SparkPeople his user name is Stonebow there, too). He’s lost about 24lbs, and looking even more smokin’ hawt than usual.

It’s great to see the work paying off for everyone in this thread!

Hi everyone…mind if I join your club? I joined the SDMB as a guest way back in January, I think, and made a grand total of ONE post…then I got caught up in work and a family member’s illness, and the next thing I knew my 30 days were gone. I’ve been lurking ever since, and I didn’t even know that I could post again until yesterday. Anyway, I need to lose about 50 lbs, and I’ve been watching how all of you are so supportive of each other and so encouraging. I’m still dealing with my family member’s illness, and I’ve got no support in this. So, mind if I join y’all?

Hi everyone,

I would like to rejoin the club. I have gone back on a diet triggered by a stomach & bowel ailment. I am starting by lowering by calorie intake and then I need to start exercising again.

I had a lot of success last time and this club helped. I had dropped nearly 50 pounds, but sadly like so many others, I found them again. At least I did not go higher.

I hope to break out my bike again and go on short evening trips with my daughter the next two months. Then I need to find something to do over the winter. Maybe just taking the dog for a walk will help.


Not anymore. :smiley:

Despite blowing it at Outback last night (the kids gave me breakfast in bed yesterday for my birthday, which was actually Friday, and I knew I wasn’t going to be anywhere near my calorie range after that) I weighed myself this morning and I have hit the magic number of 135!

Go me!

That’s 27 lbs lost since joining SparkPeople on April 2. I have already adjusted my goals to get a new calorie range (and do I feel decadent now!) to maintain my new, permanent weight!

Oh my gosh! Go you, indeed!

Serious congratulations on achieving your goals. Changing one’s dietary habits for the better (and making the commitment to stick with it) is not easy. It’s simple, but not easy…even in the calmest of times. You’ve had so much going on, but still made the effort and Success!

Go Ivylass!

Still stable at the same weight. Frustrating as hell. But I’m too busy dealing with my mood swings to be able to pay any attention to my physical body lately. I feel like I can only control one at a time. At least I’m not binging in self-pity or anything.

Have you consulted a doctor about your mood swings?

**Ivylass **YOU GO GIRL!

And ptr2void that is incredible and you deserve a huge pat on the back for all your hard work. It’s so great that you were willing to make lifestyle changes before getting on the medication.

I’m feeling pretty great, even though I gained a pound this week, I lost inches and gained MUSCLE! I’m starting to see muscle definition where none existed, and starting to look kind of buff if I may say so myself.

I am so excited about my future as a runner I can barely stand it.

Off to run now!

Muscle weighs more than fat. I would rely more on the tape measure now than the scale.

Isn’t it funny how motivation feeds on itself? You start off slow, but then you find that it works, and you want to keep going!

We losers ROCK!

It was late (for me) when I first posted last night, so I didn’t take time to include any of my specs. As I said, I have about 50 lbs to lose. I’m 44, female, 5’ 6 1/2". My weight this morning was 208. I’m following the Rosedale diet, which is, I have to admit, pretty INTERESTING. If you don’t know anything about Rosedale, it’s moderate protein, high fats (monounsaturated), and very limited non-fiber carbs. I’m still learning the program, but Atkins it ain’t. I would be really interested in hearing comments, feedback, struggles, success, etc. from anyone else on Rosedale. Is anyone else following this plan?

Oh, and huge, huge congrats to those of you who have had so much success and lost so much weight! You really are inspirations! Fantastic!

I’ve never heard of the Rosedale diet… just be sure you’re getting the appropriate amount of fiber in your diet. Fiber is very important. For me it is the difference between feeling terrible and feeling awesome.

(Oh, I just realized another interpretation to ‘‘limited non-fiber carbs’’ means that the carbs you DO eat must have lots of fiber… in which case… good job!)

Yeah, and I’m medicated and all. Trouble is I probably need some therapy on top of it but I can’t find a therapist of the right kind, in my area, who takes my insurance. I tried two already and they weren’t at all what I needed. And I don’t really have the energy to put into calling and visiting every single therapist within 50 miles to find a good one.

Anyway, didn’t mean to sidetrack the weight loss thread. Congrats to all of you for your efforts and successes!

olives, I wish I could get as hyped about exercise as you, I’m frankly a little jealous!

197.5 pounds, getting back to normal after the holiday. I’m almost surprised since I drove down to my dad’s early last week and wasn’t exactly watching what I was eating on the way. (It did convince me that I don’t actually enjoy eating too much snack food any more, though.)

22.5 pounds to go if I want to be 175 by year end. I went along to a rehearsal with the group I did a panto with last January - they’d seen me when I’d started to lose weight but I’m still 30 pounds lighter than I was last time they saw me, at least. All helps with the general ego-boost, which has to be less questionable than comfort-eating I reckon.