"Serenity" (Firefly movie) delayed to September

This has gotta be a good thing, since I’m expecting a baby in April. Now I’ll actually be able to go see the movie in theatres!

I’ll second that “Grrr, argh.” I had April 22 (which IMDB still shows as the US release date) circled in red on the calendar.

Damn, but it’s gonna be a long haul to September 30.


Today would have been the day. :frowning:

There is, however, a rumor afoot that the first major trailer is going to be released very shortly, apparently first on the official site (for people who have signed up as members) and then possibly in front of the Hitchhiker’s movie. Certainly soon, wherever it is. So: yay. :slight_smile:

Guess I’m going to see the Hitchhiker’s movie after all, then.

But… my bunk won’t last that long!

Ahhh…DVDs. Where would we be without you? Tonight I thing I’ll watch “Objects In Space” again, with a nice bourbon. :smiley:

151 days and counting…

Well, the fall release date gives me time to finish watching the series on DVD.

Here’s to hoping that the trailer is hitching on Hitchhiker’s.

Confirmed by Joss, the trailer will be released on apple.com on Tuesday. Presumably this means it’ll be in theaters by Friday, probably on Hitchhiker, but that’s not official yet.

Woo hoo!

Serenity trailer

And I don’t have Quicktime, nor can I install it at work. I shall weep now.

Trailer’s up.

Huge. Epic. River kicks ass.

And not a heckuva lot of spoilers for the movie’s plot, either. River’s on the boat, the crew doesn’t quite know what to make of her, the Alliance is after her, and… that’s pretty much it.



I waited to watch it, so I got beat. Gorram it.

Watching it again now. :slight_smile:

Anyone got the link to download it? (NOT watch it in browser)
I tried http://movies.apple.com/movies/universal/serenity/serenity_480.mov but that is just a link, not the actual .mov file.

I can watch movies on my HD just fine, but have trouble with in browesr movies.
(At home I have no problems, but don’t wanna wait!)


“Define “interesting.””

“Oh God, oh God, we’re gonna die?”
I freaking LOVE THIS SHOW!!!


Can’t believe I’m still waiting! Aaargh! I should have seen this movie three times by now!


Soooooo good!

The best thing is, it’s a trailer that I could see attracting mainstream audiences that have never heard of Firefly. Lots of loud music, explosions, pretty girls beating the crap out of people… the only thing it’s missing is “the voice of a guy who has been smoking since childhood.” :wink: This movie NEEDS to do well, we need sequels!

I’m still sitting at work, weeping over my lack of Quicktime and lack of administrative priveleges to install it. What’s worse, I get to go home to a 56K dial-up connection with which to download both Quicktime and the trailer … so I expect to see it sometime around midnight. :frowning:

Direct download link:

Draelin can you download it at work and burn the file on a CD then watch at home? Just an idea.


Alas, I have no CD drive, let alone one that burns. le sigh I’ll spend my entire evening online, if need be, to watch this sucker. I just like to complain. :slight_smile:

“I aim to misbehave.”

Damn, damn, damn. I simply can’t wait for this. Those scenes of River kickin’ ass. That creepily polite assassin. “Let’s be bad guys.” What sucks is that it’s only going to be two hours long, tops, and it should be a regular damn series.
I’ll be in mah bunk.

Damn and blast. I’ve still got two hours to go at work. Downloading that ruttin’ trailer’s gonna be the first thing I do when I get home.