Seven thousand words... of very bad French... in a day... paid by the hour. RIGHT.

It’s not so much offended, it’s more… incredulous. Like :dubious: So how’s that working for you?

Offended, incredulous - I experience both. Usually more incredulous, since I have made it excrutiatingly clear with every temp agency that I don’t do reception work. “Oh, we thought we’d just call you and run this by you.” Yeah, please don’t. It just wastes both of our time.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with reception work. It just doesn’t suit me, and it probably never will. I have nothing but admiration for office professionals who can and do work the phones - it would have made my office career a whole lot easier if I could stand phone work.)

Oh, a 50% discount. Or is the fee based on the number of words in the starting text?

All you gotta do is translate real slow. If you take 24 hours to translate the job, you are right at your .10/word rate. If you take 43 hours, you're at your .18/word rate. Something like what you described could take quite a long time at $30/hour.

My sister is a French teacher. Maybe I should mention this demand for wordsluts of which you write. She might be willing to whore out her translating skills for $30/hour; it’s more than she makes now.