Sexual Arousal During Medical Exams

Whenever I’m at the doctor, my body feels like a piece of meat. I can’t describe it any better than that. I feel completely disembodied. The part of my body being examined feels foreign and mechanical. The idea of a sexual feeling entering into that is… alien to me.

You story has inadvertantly alerted the people in the cubicals around me that I’m not doing any work :D.

All I’m getting is a “What’s so funny?”

I know what you mean. When a doctor is examining you, s/he is not being affectionate, s/he is checking to see if something is wrong with the way your body works and what can be done to fix it. If you’ve got a doctor with bad badside manner it can be downright dehumanizing, but even with nice doctors I’ve occasionally felt like a robot in for a tune-up. It would seem strange to me to get emotional about any medical exam, since the process seems calculated to be as unemotional as possible for both doctor and patient.

Sigh. Wimmins. Always mixing “affection” and “emotion” with “sex”. :wink:

Heavens no. Quite the opposite. Whenever I’m getting any sort of medical exam in that region, my outtie nearly becomes an innie. I don’t know whether it’s the cold rooms, the clinical approach, the awkwardness of the situation or the fact that the doctors are male. Probably all of the above. When I went in for sterilization last year, I was half expecting them to try to tie my tubes instead of give me a vasectomy.

I’ve never had an exam from a female doctor, so I don’t know if that would be different.

Isn’t arousal an emotion? I consider it to be one.

Sometimes arousal is just a physiological response. Just because I feel tingly doesn’t mean I’m in love with my doctor.

Egad, no. The only sex-related thing I ever thought was during my last pelvic – “It feels so much BETTER when HE does that!”

Thank you. :slight_smile: I’ve actually never told anyone that story, before, because I’m pretty sure I couldn’t get through the whole thing, face to face, without strangling in embarassment.

LOL! :smiley: I hope you didn’t really hurt your tongue.

Dear Penthouse Forum,

I never thought I’d be writing in, but the most astounding thing happened at the doctor’s office last week…

At the doctor’s, I get… well, it isn’t sexual arousal. It’s more that I get into that much attention being paid to my body. I don’t get an erection or anything, but it does feel good in a general way.

This is very interesting to me. I detest the doctor (and the few that I require are very nice). I am also very phobic at the dentist (my dentist is exceptionally kind and patient). I think its because whenever I am there, it is because something is painfully wrong with me, and I feel that most likely, more pain and discomfort will be in my future before a solution is found.

I am fascinated by the replies that show a very different perspective.

I’m male with an attractive female doctor, but not the “most beautiful woman I’ll ever meet”, and I’ve had the “hey-I’m forty-I’m-supposed-to-see-the-doctor-when-even-if-I’m-not-broken-YOU’RE-GOING-TO-DO-WHAT!!? exam”.

No exterior reaction, but the potential did cause some concern.

Perhaps the reason they wait until you hit 40 is not because the risk is so high, but to reduce the odds of such difficulties. :wink:

I should have pointed out that it was the “happy bits” exam that caused concern. (I did not find the other exam pleasant at all.) Really, the most embarrassing part was being too tall for those damn “one size doesn’t really fit all” gowns. Of course, that was private. Being wheeled around a hospital for some emergency knee surgery in the same size gown was mortifying. (My kids were the first to point out I needed a bigger gown.) At least the nurses’ smiles never faded.

The closest I came was a very attractive & flirty dental assistant who was cleaning my teeth, and pressing her breasts against me. No “full wood”, but I enjoyed it. There was no doubt she was flirting, note (she called me “handsome”, which is a stretch), and her top had an extra button undone. Of course, since my mind was completely off the minor pain & such that comes with a teeth cleaning, maybe this was just her way of distracting her male patients. It worked. :smiley:

My father went into the hospital for a couple of weeks, and he said one nurse gave very nice sponge baths.

Other than that, I did talk one GF who was a nursing student to wear part of her uniform and do the “naughty nurse” scenario…

But back to the OP- during an actual medical exam? No.

I’m a Labor and Delivery RN, so the only male patients I’ve ever dealt with were as a student nurse. Most of these men were in pain or very ill or very old or all three, so no erections were in evidence with two exceptions. Both were bored young men on rehab being obnoxious.

No matter how obnoxious, however, it is inappropriate to assault a patient with a tounge depresser. Document, inform your charge nurse and you may have the interesting experience of seeing a 5150 in action. A little Haldol goes a long way!

On a personal note, exams are not even slightly arousing. Most are uncomfortable and even a gentle breast exam and I’m wondering “Is it okay? Any lumps?”

Well, getting examined by my doctors don’t do anything for me, but my husband’s doctor is really, really hot and I fear i would get slighly aroused if he was rubbing and poking all over my body.

Dammit, you beat me to the joke.

Once, when I was younger and unable to control my body, I jerked off in a medical-facility restroom in order to prevent any undesired tumescence during what was scheduled as a long and detailed examination of my Area by a cute female doctor.

Man, I can’t believe I just said that.

The very idea of it boggles me. Closest I’ve ever come to being anywhere near arroused in a medical situation would be the vaguest thought of the fact that the male nurse at the physical therapist’s office was kinda cute. That was after I’d had a panic attack brought on solely by being in a doctors office, though. :dubious:

Glad to oblige you Meatros. :slight_smile: