Showdown! Justice League of America vs. the X-Men

Batman versus Professor X… and a pickle jar. At the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

I shudder to think of the results.

Maybe, but what about Booster?

Given the relative scarity of actual telepaths in the DCU, those seem to be surprisingly common, actually. The Outsiders (current team) used them against Gorilla Grodd in their first adventure.

Hmm…actually, given that a significant chunk of DC’s telepaths use mechanical means to achieve it, I guess it’s really a simple matter of reverse-engineering one.

Early Booster, or late Booster? Before he was knocked around as the laughingstock of the DCU for a couple of years, I’d put even odds on Booster’s ego to swallow Xavier’s psyche whole. :wink:

He never lost the ego, if anything, it got larger! [Off-topic: Is BG appearing in anything currently?]

By the time of Extreme Justice, he was kinda mopey. He’s bounced back a bit. Booster has appeared recently in Identity Crisis, the Flash Identity Crisis tie-in, and Formerly Known as the Justice League. As far as I am aware, that’s about it. I’m hoping that “I Can’t Believe It’s Not the Justice League” still makes it out, but Giffen may have nixed that project because of Sue’s rough handling in Identity Crisis.

I really can’t begin to imagine a plausible scenario where any lineup of the X-Men could hope to best nearly any lineup of the JLA in a knock-down brawl, a properly dysfunctional Giffen-era League being the exception here. The JLA’s whole reason for being is to combat planetary-scale threats that the most powerful heroes in the DCU can’t cope with alone, whereas the purpose of the X-Men is to provide a home for superheroes without a proper origin story. The X-Men’s signature combat maneuver involves a powerful metallic Russian throwing a hairy Canadian at the enemy. While this is certainly an intimidating tactic, I can’t help but feel that it wouldn’t avail much against a team such as the JLA, which has individual members who could probably just throw the planet Mercury at you. In this situation, it really doesn’t make any difference whether Batman is prepared or not. Indeed, in my heart of hearts I suspect that most of the original X-lineup could probably be handily defeated by Aquaman without too much trouble. Iceman might give him a workout.

On the other hand, the X-Men would probably be able to achive a moral victory over the JLA. I could see them rallying to battle some penny-ante group of evil mutants like the Blob or Toad or some such, and when they enter the fight to protect the public that hates and fears them, a panic ensues as usual and the X-Men are mistaken for villains. The JLA intercepts the calls for help and is prepared to hand the X-Men the most millisecond-rapid defeat they have ever suffered, when Professor X mentally contacts J’onn and explains the situation. He then delivers a scathing lecture to the chastened JLA about the perils of judging others based on their appearance, and they admit that they were wrong to jump to conclusions. Then, group hugs all around.

Batman could beat the X-Men. The Black Canary could beat the X-Men. Heck, freakin’ Vibe could beat the X-Men with one breakdancing arm tied behind his back.

No contest.

It comes down to which is more effective: telepathy or super-speed.

J’onn may be able to counter the Professor, or Jean, or Emma Frost, but not all. He’s the best telepath in the present day DCU (the L*SH may have some folks mightier), but that’s like being the best cook in Britain.

OTOH, the X-Men (hell, the Marvel universe entire) have nothing that could counter the Flash, or J’onn, Supes, and Diana moving at his speed. Any Flash could take down the telepaths before they knew they were in a fight, and reading his mind would probably send them into seizures.

So, the X-Men might take it if they brought the heavy psionic artillery and had them go for broke. Otherwise, it’s over before it begins.

An interesting side bet would be which Leaguers could take out the X-Men, excluding the heavy psionics, by themselves, one by one or in a group.

Superman- Duh
Martian Manhunter- Double Duh
Green Lantern- Unless he’s an idiot and tries to punch Wolverine, or something.
Wonder Woman- Once took out the JLA (one at a time). This is easy.
Flash- Before they knew what hit them.
Aquaman- This one is doubtful. the combined might of teh heavy hitters would wear him down.

Batman- With ease even. Hell, if he can plan ahead, and it’s still one-on-one, I’ll even yet you use the psionics.
Aquman- This time its definite.

Didn’t the X-Men get clobbered by that Gladiator guy, who was a pretty close knockoff of Superman?

Don’t the X-Men regularly manage to screw themselves, anyway? They rarely manage to operate as a well-oiled machine, and the concept of “team assault” is really a loose leader-by-committee approach, depending on who is running the show this week.

The only chance the X-Men would have is if they let Cable train them for 6 months to a year before the battle. They could use some military influence if they are to stand any sort of chance against the JLA, and even then it’s going to get dicey real quick.

I’d pit the entire X-Men chapter against Superman, Green Lantern, Booster Gold, Martian Manhunter, and The Flash, let the rest of the team go bowling, and the JLA would STILL come out on top.

Good news! It’s going to be the second story arc in JLA: Classified starting in February. I can’t wait.

As for the thread, yeah, JLA all the way. Even if the X-Men pull out the telepathic stops right away, all Martian Manhunter has to do is keep them at bay for the .01 seconds it’ll take for Flash (who, along with Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Wonder Woman can move faster than thought (at least with the Flash lending them speed, although perhaps even without that) as seen in that JLA story with Adam Strange) to take them all out.

Even if the X-Men have Dark Phoenix, we’ve seen that she’s still prone to mental attacks and that’s even before you factor in the Green Lanterns (and how many have been members of the JLA at one point or another? Six?). Even with the heavy hitters like Juggernaut and Magneto that the X-Men would have on their side, the JLA takes this one pretty handily.

No way, one on one maybe. As a group, Professor X negates the psionic abilities, and the Xmen have at least two members who can counter his ability to shapeshift, and go through walls.

Maybe but this assumes the Xmen don’t go on alert after the first one or two disappear. But how does he take down Rogue who would kick his ass back to Gotham, Wolverine would tear him a new a$$hole, Collossus would smash him flat and Proffessor X would turn him into a snivelling baby.

Iceman turns him into a popsicle.

The Martian Manhunter has Superman level strength and endurance. Basically, he negates the X-Men’s best weapon, and is physically superior to the rest.

Not if he’s prepared. :cool:

Well, Aquaman was a joke (as was Black Canary), but he is used to Arctic and Antarctic waters.

Chastain86, the JLA is not known for their team tactics either, unless you are dealing with a team consisting of Green Arrow, Black Canary, Atom, Elongated Man, Hawkman, and Zatanna.

Not true. The current team makes excellent use of J’onn’s telepathy to coordinate efforts, with J’onn and Batman acting as tacticians.
As for Batman vs. Individual X-Men - the man’s dealt with Superstrength before. Colossus is no special challenge. Batman vs. Wolverine might be the most interesting fight that a DC vs. Marvel crossover might bring. Batman vs. Rogue? Again, Superstrength, plus flying. Not too much of a problem - and if Rogue happens to use her absorbing power on Batman - I think she’s gonna be overwhelmed with psychic baggage, sugah.

Really, I’ve only seen MM on the animated series, and haven’t seen any real display of strenght. For instance I was watching Static Shock last night which had a JL crossover. In it, the watchtower fell out of orbit, superman wasn’t around but MM was. He didn’t even attempt to push it back into orbit, something I know Supes could do.

The animated series isn’t a good place to get relative power levels from.

Everyone knows Superman, most know Batman and Wonder Woman. However, the series makes the Martian Manhunter (I’ll just get involved when it advances the story), Flash (aka Trippy :rolleyes: ) and Green Lantern (most powerful bottle-opener in the universe) seem like second-stringers, while vastly increasing Hawkgirl’s abilities.

Most things the animated series team has faced could have been defeated by either the Martian Manhunter or Green Lantern. Everything could have been defeated by a team of the two, short of Professor Evo’s android.

It’s these sorts of posts that make Lochdale, me, and others pull our hair out in regards to Batman. Are you seriously trying to tell me that a woman that has Ms Marvel stuck permanently in her mind, in addition to thousands of fragments of others, including people with histories just as bad as Batman’s, is suddenly going to break down and cry because Bruce Wayne saw his parents get murdered? Yes, he’s a tragic figure but he isn’t Job, for Christ’s sake.

(Yes, I don’t like Batman. I’m just not very vocal about it.)

Getting back to the topic at hand, I think the X-Men would have a pretty decent chance of holding off the JLA but maybe not beating them if they somehow managed to get their act together and had their really heavy hitters on the team – Xavier, Phoenix, Emma Frost, Magneto, Juggernaut, Collosus, and a combination of Multiple Man and Mimic (each clone would have Mimic’s ability) – and had a little bit of time to prepare and train, especially for Mimic, who would need time to get ready to absorb the powers of the JLA in addition to the psychic ability he’s already going to be carrying.

The wild cards in such a fight would be Juggernaut, Green Lantern, and anyone else that relies on technology or pure magic for their abilities as Mimic wouldn’t be able to take their abilities and use them against them. Even Batman’s vaunted “preparedness” wouldn’t be such a factor anymore as Mimic would have the same skill and be able to deduce what Wayne’s prepared for.

Even in this scenario, I only see them holding off the JLA and not defeating them as they’re just vastly overpowered and Mimic’s not going to have enough time to really get the feel of his new abilities and will be clumsy in using them whereas everyone else, with them being heroes that have had their abilities for most of their lives, is going to obviously know the extent of their powers.

No, she’s going to roll on the ground for several minutes sorting through the thoughts of the insane person she just tried to absorb.

Oh, well, while we’re at it, why don’t we just draft the entire JLA into the Green Lantern Corps?

The wild cards in such a fight would be Juggernaut, Green Lantern, and anyone else that relies on technology or pure magic for their abilities as Mimic wouldn’t be able to take their abilities and use them against them. Even Batman’s vaunted “preparedness” wouldn’t be such a factor anymore as Mimic would have the same skill and be able to deduce what Wayne’s prepared for.

Pfft. Mimic mimics powers. Not skills.

Why? What insane person has Rogue tried to absorb before that she couldn’t handle? Seriously, just curious here.

Sorry, but I think Aesiron’s hypothetical is perfectly reasonable given the OP rules. Yours is not.