Single guys getting lucky: Are "tighty-whiteys" that bad a turnoff?

Guy here. I hate wearing boxers. They ride up, they hang unevenly, they don’t support anything so you end up twisted every which-way, and there’s so much extra material to make you sweat where you’d rather not. I guess I’ve worn tighty-whities most of my life, but I’m transitioning to boxer briefs. I think they are the best of both worlds: the snug (and very necessary) support of briefs, with a somewhat more mature and sophisticated look.

Tighty-whities aren’t attractive, but I wouldn’t stop the, um, festivities if the guy in question were found to be wearing them. However, I’d second the suggestion for the guy to remove them with his pants if he got into the situation and realized he had them on.

I like both briefs and boxer briefs… and boxers too for that matter. But a guy needs a good body to pull off the first two.

Side question related to the previous comments about granny panties: Why do you have them (if you do)? I’m a woman and I haven’t had granny panties since… well, since I started picking out my own panties. Sure, I have a couple pairs of black cotton panties for that time of the month, but all the rest of mine are nice-looking black, white, or red panties (so they all match a bra or even multiple bras for mixing and matching), mostly Body by Victoria. (I LOOOOOVE that fabric.) I just don’t understand why one would own granny panties. They certainly aren’t more comfortable (on me) than my nice Body ones. (No, I don’t work for VS… I just love their panties. And if you have their credit card, you get a coupon for a free pair of panties about once a year.)

Ugh, tighty-whiteys are ugly. This would certainly not stop the proceedings, considering my SO wore them for 5 out of the 8 years we’ve been together. I’ve never asked him to change, but I did tell him I didn’t like them. He tried different color briefs and then a few years ago on his own and loved them.

*And I’m with **taxi78cab ** on the granny panties. On the contrary, they are * not comfortable. Way too much material on your ass. While I won’t wear thongs, I like the minimum amount of material possible…those hi-rise bikini panties or whatever.

There. Now you all know what kind of panties I wear. They usually have flowers, or ducks on them, too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Boxers are good for most occasions. However, men, if you’re wearing shorts, I implore you not to sit down with your ankle crossed over your knee without knowing exactly where “the guys” are.


Ever get a boner while wearing boxer shorts? With briefs (colored only, of course) you can at least lock it in the upright position. But bikini briefs, forget it. We’re talking whack-a-mole.

I don’t care at all about a guy’s underwear. I prefer no visible holes or skid marks.

Mr. Neville doesn’t care about women’s underwear, either.

It’s nice not having to dress up for each other.

Tighty-whities are fine if they are new, every bit of elastic-osity is still working so they form snuggly to your body, and they are still glisteningly white.

Otherwise, they look like thin diapers.

If, like many guys, your underwear are older, and you’re more attached to them sentimentally than your children, stick with boxers.

As a female, that’s why I like briefs on a guy. I also think they look better and less “for show” than boxers, but the main reason I like tighty whities is that it can be put in the upright position where it’s supposed to be. I’m just not smart enough to re-invent the wheel every time I stick my hand down someone’s pants. Fishing around all day makes me feel like an idiot.

There are *so * many comments to be made here, I’m stymied as to which one.

I recommend : ‘If you spend that much time ‘fishing’, I bet you’re a master baiter.’

Yeah, but some guys like that. The fishing, not the “idiot” part. :smiley:

when I hear the term “tighty whities” I immediately get a vivid vision of my father waking up in the middle of the night and stumbling blearily towards the bathroom while scratching his butt.

Tighty whities, no thanks.

I don’t think I’ve ever actually encountered tighty whities. Heh, it’s not something I’d throw a guy out of bed for, but I don’t know, something about that choice in underwear just tells me the guy isn’t compatible with me. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I’m not going to go out and research it.

Boxers or boxer-briefs are sexy. Commando is also sexy. Tighty whities, I’m afraid I’d just laugh. They put me in the mind of Gordy Lachance in Stand By Me. :smiley:

My dad always wore boxers instead of pyjamas. :frowning: Then for daytime he wore briefs, as did my brother. (They did wear pants over these for the most part–fortunately.) I always see boxers as pyjamas. For overall Dad-underwear-trauma, I think the boxers win for me. At some point between my starting to grow up and my dad realizing that I was starting to grow up there were certainly some Sunday breakfasts when I decided boxers were the type of outfit that should be worn WITH briefs. :frowning: If you know what I mean.

My family life had the opposite effect on me so that when I see a guy in boxers he doesn’t look like he’s in his underwear to me. He just looks like he’s wearing a pair of shorts. Maybe he’s about to take a nap or something.

Any undies without a vent or with any type of pattern or decoration looks like either girl underwear or Deuce Bigalow Male Gigilo underwear to me. Dance, Poolboy!

When I was in my teens I had a boyfriend whose mom bought him underwear in 3 packs with patterns like zebra stripes, polka dots or bright colors. I used to call him Fancy Pants.

Oh yes! I forgot to say that before, but that is also *very *true.

(Although I’m thinking it may be somewhat guy-dependent. It’s hot with some guys and a bit revolting with others.)

Does commando mean no underwear?

Damn you, I had that joke. sigh

Like most of the ladies have said, the tighty-whities wouldn’t get you kicked out of bed, but I’ve always preferred boxers on men, especially when I’m just looking. Silk boxers are nice, but that’s really a special-occasion thing. I know they’re uncomfortable.

Yes, I spent a day wearing my boyfriend’s underwear, what’s your point?

I’m almost thirty years old, and I’m currently wearing panties with Tinkerbell on them. I also have Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Superman, and various other childish patterns (yay Target!). I don’t think it has anything to do with why I don’t get laid. :slight_smile:

So, my Spiderman Underoos are no good, then?


I’d only have a problem because I’m strictly a DC girl, myself. :wink:

My alternate was “'Fishing’s a very appropriate euphemism - it involves a rod, baiting, and exaggerating the size of the catch.”