Smokers, do you relight cigarettes?

Are all the responders aware that these are the new cigarettes that just keep going out? I don’t think the OP is talking about digging a butt out of the ashtray. It’s the one in your fingers that went out while you told that idiot how to get to the highway, or entered a post here on the SDMB.

yep. I can’t afford to be that picky & besides, I LIKE that thicker, funkier taste (I’m really addicted)

Oh great. Just reread the OP. It was the exact opposite of what I thought.


Hating that I still smoke, I often light one, smoke half, grow disgusted, convince myself I don’t need this anymore, and snuff it out.

When I next want one, I’ll just relight that one, mostly out of convenience, it’s right there, after all!

Sometimes, yes, but unless we’re talking a cigarette you’ve lit up, took one puff from and had to squeeze because the bus was coming it’s always unsatisfying - for one thing, the first few puffs are horrible because you’re smoking the burnt, crushed and altogether nasty part ; and for another once you’re done you’re left wanting because it wasn’t a whole cigarette, your craving is not completely satisfied and your addiction demands moar.
So you light a new one. And the end of *that *one is horrible because it’s too much nicotine in one sitting.

Just toss it, man.

I smoked in my teens and early twenties which were mostly characterized by my being a broke ass loser, so yes you bet your ass i did.

I have quit smoking several times, often for years at a time. The last cigarette I smoked was long enough ago that I have forgotten just when I quit last.

But when I was smoking and had run out of cigarettes and had the urge for one, I would fish through the butts and if there were a drag or two left on one, I’d light it up. I never stooped to smoking other people’s butts. There are just some things I wouldn’t do even when desperate. :wink:

(I didn’t vote in the poll.)

I just snip that bit off, easy peasy.

I voted hardly ever, only if I’ve had a couple of puffs, but that’s disregarding the one’s that extinguish themselves and get re-lit while I’m on the phone or computer or whatever.

One guy I work with used to be a seriously heavy smoker, like a 3 packs a day type. He’s thisclose to quitting, but has remained stuck there for a few years now. He smokes about a half-pack a day now, lighting them for a few drags and stubbing them out to re-light later. So he’s nearly always got a half-smoked cigarette tucked behind his ear and absolutely reeks. Reeks like, he walks up behind you and you think someone’s actively smoking reeks.