So what's your verdict on the iPad?

I have one, and the most surprising thing is that it’s not that clear what the best way to hold it is. It’s surprisingly heavy to simply hold it like a book with one hand.

I use it mainly on the couch for web browsing and checking email.

If any of you have found a good/comfortable way to hold it, let me know.

I don’t mean to nitpick, but the iPad’s only been out for just one month. The 3G version has been out for around a week now.

For all the naysayers, I’ll just point out they sold a good million in six weeks. I have a strong suspicion they’ve sold more than all the windows tablets combined.

I’ve used it, I liked it, it’s not on my gotta-have list right now.

This might explain why it sold 1 million so far

That’s because they’re marketing geniuses. They just have to say it’s indispensable, and people believe it.

I don’t recall ever seeing any advertising at all for Tablet PCs.

An interesting account of what an iPad did to one man’s family.

I got mine last week (64GB 3G version) and I love it! I’ve become addicted to Plants vs. Zombies, and already downloaded quite a few other apps of various types. I love having the internet anywhere I happen to be, on a screen bigger than my iPhone’s. It’s wonderful.

I don’t care that it can’t print or run Flash apps. Anything that’s currently a Flash app that’s sufficiently popular will soon be available in an iPad-friendly version.

I’m not an Apple zombie (I actually prefer Windows to MacOS, and my desktop machine is an Alienware running Win7) but this thing is the bunnies.

I ordered myself one now as well.

About the only thing I hate about it is the app store and the closed nature of the system. If this thing run an open OS like windows or droid it would be awesome.

All the marketing in the world won’t help a bad movie the second week.

I have to yet to hear anyone - ANYONE - claim it’s indispensable. Not Apple, not iPad owners - no one. I’ve heard claims that people love it, that it’s a magical little device, that it does things easier than they’d imagined, that it’s a fantastic casual device. But no one has ever claimed that it’s indispensable.

Pardon me for exaggerating marketing methodology.

Sorry. It’s just that the amount of exaggeration in the average ipad/Apple thread is already off the charts, as it seems a lot of people are completely unable to maintain any sort of sense of perspective.

I’m not sure about that. I was skeptical until I tried it in a store. Now I can’t wait for mine to arrive, and wish I pre-ordered earlier.

The iPad surely will never be a hit until it’s seamlessly integrated with the other greatest-ever indispensable revolutionary invention of our lifetime, The Segway.

At least the Segway has the advantage of having actually been something new.

Drank the cool-aid, huh?

Is there any distance between ‘Hatred of a thousand suns’ and ‘Drink the koolaid’? Or is it a light switch?

I tried a product, and decided that it would provide me with enough usefulness and enjoyment to justify its price tag. So I ordered it. If that constitutes “drinking the cool-aid” then yes, I did.

Don’t you mean Kool-Aid :wink:

I suppose I do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Knorf, if you can point out which tablet PC is worthy of competing with the ipad, I’d love to take a look. I’m not snarking here, I just want to see what the competition is, and I’m pretty ignorant about it. I can’t find anything in the tablet-PC market within twice the cost of the ipad.

I didn’t want one after looking at it but it did get me to look at the new smaller laptops and my future toy list has been updated.

I don’t get it at all but obviously there’s a market for it. It would have to be at least as powerful as a regular laptop before I could be swayed.