Sock-Shoe (2x) or Sock-Sock, Shoe-Shoe

I hate socks!
You know how people get chills and all freaked out when someone runs their hands down a chaulk board? Well, all I have to do to get chills is think of socks.
Anyway, sock-shoe-sock-shoe. It just is easier for me if I only have to see one sock at a time. Really, I am crazy.

Sock-Sock-Shoe, Sock-Sock-Shoe

Explanation: I’m not quite sure how I got into this habit, but I always wear two pairs of socks (except with sneakers). Since these are more dress socks than tubes, I can fit two pair on easy…maybe I even buy my shoes based on how they fit with two pairs (never really thought about it).

Though they need laundering twice as often, they make things quite comfortable (especially if the shoe is starting to wear down or you do a lot of walking), plus my wife loves my soft, soft feet. :slight_smile:

When I wear socks at all: glasses, panties, bra, sock, sock, pants <or jeans, or shorts, depending on what I’m doing that day>, do hair, pet kitty, pet puppy, shirt, shoes when it’s time to leave.
What’s the big deal about matching socks? Simple. Wash my socks separate from everyone else’s <only way I get them back!>, dry, match pairs, fold, put in drawer as a set, ready to go.

Which is not to say my socks don’t occasionally mysteriously disappear from my drawer.<looking suspiciously at daughter, who looks back with her best innocent look> :eek:

Tracer: I’m really short, so all socks I buy are really long on me, so putting them on requires more stretching than I’m used to on a daily basis. The fact that I usually wear heels or platforms doesn’t really help, either :wink:

Count me as a sock shoe repeat.
Prefer no socks at all, but that wasn’t really an option in the original question.

Sock x 2, shoe x 2. Mostly 'cos there’s a lot of time between the two activities. Wander around, get breakfast, talk with the wife & kid, then realize I gotta get going.

I do have pants and a shirt on before I exit the bedroom, though. :slight_smile: