Some folks got fleeced by fake poodle scam!

I find it all very racist. The papers here have all reported it. The Herald-sun now says that ‘Kill-joy bloggers have called it a hoax’.
Shouldn’t they have said ‘we cannot be bothered with fact-checking’.
I knew there was something wrong when I realised they could not even spell the actress’ name correctly.

Killjoy bloggers say yarn is just an urban myth

'But just who was fleeced – confused Japanese pet-lovers or gullible Westerners?

The author of English-language Japanese blog Cerebral Soup argues that the story is an urban myth which last did the rounds in February 2006. ’

Their paper’s website reported it as news. No apology to readers.

On a related story, does anyone else think these lamb chops taste funny?

Here’s a link to the Cerebral Soup! entry on it. Another link to a blog with some slightly different information. Kawakami’s online diary where she asks people who have bought sheep that they thought were dogs to contact her, gives her phone number too. Not sure how good of an idea that was.

Stuff almost this weird does actually happen in Japan, but this time it was a hoax.