Statistically, blacks score poorly on IQ and IQ-proxy exams than whites, is black genetics to blame?

My cock drinks heavily and is illiterate.

Perhaps if their minds are expanding faster than the known universe.

Not in my neighborhood.

You can sell it as semi-prepared coq au vin.

Yes, racial IQ is the most plausible scientific explanation for fascinating high achievers like the cast of the Jersey Shore.

You might want to get that checked out.

I always wondered how our White Power Ranger “friends” would explain how, given the supposed superiority of the white man, they tend to attract those who aren’t exactly the brightest and best.

Not trying to add fuel to the flame (since I don’t agree with the OP’s hypothesis), but is there less genetic diversity in African-Americans? Do their descendants tend to concentrate around specific parts of the Sub-Saharan? Just idly curious if anyone knows!

No, there’s * more* diversity. African-Americans likely have *at least * 10-15% admixture with whites and/or Native Americans.

I have always read most blacks in the Americas come from West Africa, so isn’t logical that there is less?

Well, OK, so the Most Interesting Man in the World is white, but the Old Spice Guy is black. That seems like a pretty close one, to me.

They’re not white. They’re orange.

I think a lot of people are misinterpreting “consider” to mean “think of the possibility”, when it really means “treat as a possibility”.

Other possible explanations are treated as if they are most likely true despite a tremendous dearth of legitimate evidence (e.g. the notion that standardized tests discriminate against blacks in some extremely subtle way) based on having ruled out a possible genetic explanation a priori.

I don’t think this is true.

It’s difficult if not impossible to prove. But it’s also difficult if not impossible to disprove, and I don’t think it ever has been.

I would be willing to give the OP the benefit of the doubt, except that he’s clearly already drawn his own conclusions and is just pissy that everyone else disagrees:

It’s more like “ruled out after a century or two of such racial theories proving to be lies”. “Race” isn’t even a genetic reality in the first place.

Fair enough. But of the 85-90% African mixture, does it tend to concentrate around specific parts of Africa? Are they, for example, more Kenyan than they are Liberian*, or South African?

*Though I suppose Liberian has obvious problems, since it’s composed of diasporic blacks who came FROM the U.S. back to Africa.

And for bonus points, the former is Jewish!

The composition of Liberians of African-American descent is quite marginal.

Most Africans taken as slaves to supply the Atlantic slave trade came from these regions, so most of black Americans’ African genetic heritage comes from those parts. Of course there have been immigrants from all parts of Africa since the end of slavery. (And, to the point about overall genetic diversity in Africa, it might be added that there has been European and Asian migration “back” to Africa as well.)

IIRC, African-Americans are less genetically diverse than Africans, as their ancestors are mostly from western Africa. However, they are more genetically diverse than Europeans or Asians.