Stoid: We get it. You like Gary Taubes. Now shut up about it!

I tolerate Stoid better than most, but I can see how she can be difficult to debate with sometimes. However, in this particular case . . . what else was she to do to let interested parties know she had contact with Taubes? I for one will be PMing her to find out what he said.

She’d posted in the original thread that he’d responded directly to some of her questions. Interested parties could have similarly contacted him themselves, if they’d like, rather than needing to rely on her as a messenger.

You actually sat through it? :eek:

i got about halfway through it before turning it off.

Halfway? I think that makes you the expert.

Good God.

Nobody warned us that shit could give us Diogenes! And to think I almost watched it.

She could’ve said that she contacted Taubes and he responded. That way, people who are interested in discussing his ideas with him can do so. If he wants to engage the people here directly, he’s free to sign up any time he likes.

I don’t think she’s ever going to shut up about Gary Taubes.

Stoids world is almost entirely populated by people who she sees as adversaries - *vindictive *exes, *evil *judges, *greedy *lawyers, *sneering *dieters who support calories in-calories out, *oppressive *men, *unenlightened *women. Usually Stoid is fighting the good fight against these people single-handed, since she alone is invested in truth and justice and genuineness. But every once in a while she finds another person who seems to fit into her world view - eg. Gary Taubes, the ‘Dear Woman’ guys. When she finds these rare people who tell her exactly what she wants to hear, she is completely unable to view their work with any kind of critical eye - they simply become her new messiahs and she must defend them endlessly.

You’d think someone who so consistently claims to be extremely intelligent would see the incredible amount of bias she has. You’d think she would notice that in 50+ years she had never considered herself wrong or been forced to change her opinion. But no, she has just managed to convince herself that she’s the only one in touch with the truth and the rest of us are just twisting and misrepresenting everything, largely just to piss her off.

Stoid, if you’re reading this (and I’m sure you are) - the miseries in your life are not caused by other people. The problem is not everybody else…the problem is you.

I don’t think she thinks of them as messiahs so much as she takes them on as extensions of her own arguments. So when you dispute them you are disputing her.

Yes, I think that’s it. I don’t remember a time when she ever told us of an argument or statement that changed her mind, only those that reinforced what she already believed. She already believed that women were more nurturing, peaceful, and intuitive. She already believed that polygamy is an excellent way to raise children. She already believed that there was a biological reason she couldn’t lose weight. And no matter how agenda-laden the evidence she’s citing may be, she accepts it unconditionally because it’s reinforcing those beliefs and to do otherwise would force her to question those beliefs.

In Russia, Diogenes gives YOU shit!

Yeah, fair enough. It annoys me that she continuously talks about how she’s so open-minded and advanced and yet she cannot handle even the mildest of criticism. She must portray the critic as a manipulative liar so that she can dismiss their words without ever considering viewpoints other than hers.

Nothing will ever convince her of something that she doesn’t already believe is true. Old Gary is playing right into her preconceived notions that say she couldn’t possibly have weighed 340 pounds because she ate too much, she weighed that much because her body is special and works differently and therefor nothing is her fault. So now he’s like a god.

She cannot admit she’s wrong. Even the loss of thousands of dollars in legal fees, years of her life, and possibly her house did nothing to convince her that maybe, just maybe, she’s in the wrong about any argument. She still seems to believe that the legal system has it in for her, even after that brutal judgment where she was basically told ‘you have no idea what you’re talking about. At all’.

Godammit! Now I gott go watch that tonight… I tried the other day and got about 5 secs. in before I wandered off looking for bukkake porn (bless you Mario Ozawa!).:mad:

We’ve got a passel of them, lately.

Racist True Believers and the cult-like Pickup Artist True Believers.

I love how Stoid is exuberantly embracing a couple of sexist dweebs. It makes me laugh.

Erm, not Gary Taubes. I have no idea if Gary Taubes is a sexist dweeb.

Gary Taubes is a good guy, not at all deserving of the crap that sticks to him when Stoid tries to use him to back up her victimhood. His arguments are all completely backed up by voluminous research, and he never claims that his conclusions are the only ones possible, just that the standard party line doesn’t seem to be backed up by the research, and therefore more and better research needs to be done. I try not to boost him too much because I’m not much better at synopsizing his work than she is, but at least I know it. She could make people hate the Dalai Lama if she ever decided he was on her side.

Oh, I wanted to start this thread but I couldn’t get further than the “Stoid, STFU” title. I mean, what else is there to say?

(Except now I <3 ladyfoxfyre.)

Hey you know what? Given your recent complaints re: “The Dio Show” don’t you think it’s more than a little retarded to even bring his name into something he has, to this point, had absolutely nothing to do with? You’re baiting him, first of all, which, if it isn’t against the rules, it’s definitely a dick move. Secondly, you’re making yourself look stupid AND discrediting your entire argument in the ATMB thread wherein you claim that Diogenes is the one thread-shitting and hijacking and “Dio Showing” or whatever.

If this thread turns into another episode of “The Dio Show”, that’s on you.

Come on. imagine it. Dio and Stoid, locked in a room together… :eek:

I think you misunderstand the nature of the PIT, but carry on as you wish. Dio’s set himself up for that one. No one’s forced him to use the title “expert”. The fact that title is almost a joke in itself just adds to the irony.

Missed edit window.

I’d have likely used that joke on posters I like or respected. Oh wait, it Dio…I forgot…WE mere mortals are supposed to tip toe around him.