Strange phenomena at home last night (I mean REALLY strange)

I’d kind of go with this one to some degree.

Can you give us some details on the timeline? Like, how long did you and your wife talk? Did you mostly just listen, or was it a full conversation? Then you layed down and spooned. How long after you stopped talking before you head the voice? Did your wife just assume it was you, or did she freak out immediately.

I can certainly see you being half-asleep, your wife is upset and telling you all these things as you fall asleep, so you kind of just blurt our “We all love you” without really realizing it.

This is what I was thinking as well.

As for the earlier part, as others have said, one’s brain likes to find order in randomness, and will tend to “interpret” sounds - or clouds in the sky, for that matter - in such a way as to fit a pattern to them that it can understand. I’ve heard anything while in the shower from music (no, just the sound of the water), to a ringing phone (ditto), to men talking outside (shower sound plus the coffee maker in the kitchen).

Yeah, I guess the most likely source of the mystery voice was me. Though I truely do not think I was “the voice” it is the best explanation.

Dude! No on that second one. I mean, really: GHOST THREESOME! :wink:

Well, sir, it’s easy (if you don’t mind being a jerk). The missus wants to argue, you just roll over and say “Lower your damned voice or you’ll wake the children”. Do that a few times, and the wife will eventually retreat to a quieter part of the house thinking you’ll follow her to continue fighting/arguing/whatever, at which point you try to get to sleep. You won’t be able to, of course, because you’ll feel bad about being such a dick to the woman you love. Eventually, she’ll get lonely, calm down a little, and want to kiss and make up (thanks Hollywood :wink: ).

There you go.

This happens to me too- I often think I hear the TV on three floors down, but it’s never on. I only hear it when I’m sleepy but awake, and when my head is on the pillow. When I sit up, it’s gone. It’s almost as if my neighbor’s TV is on really loud, and I fainly hear it. But only when my head is on the pillow.

The thing that occurs to me is that “We all love you” is entirely softish sounds - no guttural take-a-bite-out-of-sounds consonants English has.

“We all love you” is the kind of phrase one could easily hear in ‘white noise.’

You were the one who heard it, so make of that what you will.

after all the spooky-scary comments, here’s an optimistic one:

It may have been your wife, or it may have been you who spoke. But why worry about who —think about what was said. People who are tired and emotionally charged-up can easily hear whatever they want to–and what you and your wife both heard simultaneously was the perfect wish-come-true;-- just what a marriage counselor would want you to say to each other.

happy spooning… :slight_smile:

THAT is the funniest thing I read all day.

To the OP. Yes I do believe. Seen one or two, and so has my daughter. She was only 6, but she described seeing my dad come to visit her and say goodbye on the morning he suffered a massive stroke and went into a vegetative coma. To the extent that she described in detail to me what he was wearing as the paramedics were working on him.

Ah, but the wife and I both heard it. Distinctly. So someone said it. If it was just me, I’d write it off to a flashback. Just the missus? Hormones. But we both heard it, and I think that’s what makes it a phenomenon.


This might be an odd question, but did you live with my sister Ann?

That’s creepy and cool at the same time. Does your house have a history? How old is your little girl?

Be sure to let us know if it happens again.

I was playing a computer game the other night and thought I heard voices. Turns out they were part of the game – snide little comments about how rotten I was playing.

But get that leak fixed. A running toilet can end up costing a small fortune! :slight_smile:

Acknowledged. I should say the phrase “we all love you” is easy to hear in ambient noise, and is something you probably both were pre-disposed to hear, and I didn’t mean you totally made it up. Lots of people can hear a Beatle’s song backwards and hear “Paul is dead” even if they haven’t been primed to hear that. It does sound kind of like “Paul is dead.”

So I’m throwing out (not suggesting - you’d know better than me) the idea to consider: you both heard a real noise (or combination of noises), that were easily interpreted as “we all love you.”

It’s stories like this, and Bus Guy’s, and those of other people both on the boards and who I know IRL that keep me wondering. It’s not that I do believe in ghosts and spirits, just that I don’t disbelieve. Of course, I hope never to encounter something that convinces me they’re real, as I’m a total scaredy-cat and I’d probably be freaked out for the rest of my life.

But what is it, other than received “wisdom”, that makes us think such things - if they exist - are caused by “ghosts and spirits”? Absent an apparition of a person one knows to be definitely dead, why not something else in the human experience?

I’ve had quite a few paranormal experiences in our house-both seeing and hearing odd things and so has my husband, but rarely at the same time so we could always write it off as overactive imagination or something.

However, a couple of months ago on a Saturday morning, I was in the bedroom getting dressed and my husband was out in the kitchen eating breakfast. Both the kids were sound asleep and the tv/radio was off. Both of us heard a woman’s voice from somewhere in the hallway between the bedroom and kitchen say my husband’s name: “Jason!” The voice was clear and quite loud.

My husband called out “What?” at the same time I said, “Who was that?” We immediately checked around the house in the yard to see if we had some neighbor wandering around but there was no one out there. We still have absolutely no rational explanation for it, no matter how my super-skeptical husband tried to find one.

When two people experience something like that, it’s far more difficult to dismiss it as just “hearing things”. Even if it was a phrase your ears formed out of white noise, I have a hard time believing that your wife would hear the exact same phrase at the exact same time. Plus, the fact that it was such a timely message directed at your wife makes it even more likely that you experienced a true paranormal event.

Maybe the emotional turmoil made you more open or sensitive to something that was right there all along. Didn’t you say your wife had recently suffered some losses of family members? Perhaps her strong feelings of being unloved has attracted their energy to your home. For surely that’s the message they would want to deliver, don’t you think?


The Matrix has you.


I think the creepy part is the WE ALL love you. I mean, is there some paranormal convention in your house?

I know people will poke fun at you for this, but I’ll tell you right now that I believe you. I’ve had a few experiences that are similar and unexplainable.

On the explainable side, my husband talks in his sleep/as he’s falling asleep. He has on more then one occasion had entire conversations with me, eyes open, and after a minute or two I realize he’s asleep. I don’t know what the deal is, but it’s happened a few times. He once got out of bed, showered and dressed and told me plain as day that he had a meeting at the Chinese Embassy. (he did not) It’s like he gets into this weird state now and again- not exactly sleeping, not exactly awake. It’s possible that happened to one of you. He never remembers saying a single word.