Suck it down, you drunken bitch!

Euthanasiast, it sounds like this woman has dragged you down to hell and back. Your words painted a rich tapestry of hatred and loathing.

That was the best written thing I’ve read all week. Maybe even all month. An absolutely sublime orchestration of words, containing the rage of a dozen lions with broken bottles of Tabasco sauce of their arses. I feel for you, the things you were submitted to were not keen happenings.

My I ask how you are/were related to this throbbing thundercunt?

When I first saw the title of the thread I was going to pop in with a joke about my wedding night. Instead I sit in awe before a masterful post I shall not forget soon.


Scathing! Truly a rant for the ages.

These lines alone are worth the subscription fee! Bravo! Bravo!! :smiley:


Am I the only one who thinks this guy’s spent maybe a little too much time imagining his ex’s sex life?

Wow…just wow…


Wow. You should perform the coup de grace by printing this out and giving it to her to read. If she can, I mean. Sounds like her eyes are floating most of the time.

Sorry that you have to deal with this lovely-sounding creature. Maybe her liver will shrivel up soon and you won’t have to anymore.

I laughed, I cried.

Great rant!

speechless… I don’t think I can ever open a thread in the Pit ever again…

You seem upset. Is something wrong?

Dude, you’ve re-set the bar. It’ll be a long time before anyone puts pen to paper and creates a hate-fest the likes of what we’ve witnessed here.

That said, sorry for your pain, but I still feel sorry for her. She’s obviously lost to the clutches of the demon spirits. Here’s to better days for all.

Damn. I was hoping this was a “what I did on spring break” story.

Euthanasiast I had to walk away from my computer while it cooled down after reading this rant. The steam coming out of my monitor should stop any time now. Brilliant! Just Brilliant!

And what a scumbag. Great for you she’s outta your life.

Beautiful . . . just beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye. This is the BEST pitting I have ever seen. Bravo!

I know your pain . . . I knew someone much like what you described, just a dude. Who had serious mental issues and refused to come to terms with who he is, too bad it took a drunken stupor and groping my passed-out husband for it to be confirmed. He did the driving into the yard thing to us one night too, but he finished the evening chasing us around the house with a knife.

Drunks, they’re despicable creatures. :mad:

Threadspotting. Now. I don’t care if Pit threads don’t qualify, make an exception.

Now my ex looks like a saint compared to yours. Let the “human rotisserie” join the illustrious chorus with “1920’s style” and “Hi Opal!”.


Your ex and my ex must have sat next to each other and compared notes in How to be a Bitch-Spawn from Hell class.

Seems as if yours threw off the grading-curve, though.


Positively fantastic. Cathartic even for the reader. I hope she leaves you alone for another six years, at least. Mine wants my e-mail address. shudder

Truly, a Hall of Fame rant. This is the new standard for vitriol in the Pit. Take note, everyone, this is how it is fucking done!

Bravo, my friend, bravo.

I would like to state, for the record, these two things:

  1. You been done wronger than I have.

  2. You wrote about it better than I did.
    If you’re teaching a class, my brother, I want to be first on line to register.