Taco Bell's Diablo hot sauce - anyone try it yet?

Not hotter than Fire sauce? No way, fire sauce isn’t high in heat at all.

Diablo at least burns for a second or two. Compared to actual high-heat hot sauces, it’s nothing. It’s just kind of nice. I’ll use it often.

Just got back from The Bell. I asked for Diablo and the window lady dropped about 20 packets into my 4-item bag. I busted one open on the way home and did a shot. Wanted an unobstructed taste of the flavor profile.

As noted, it’s hotter than Fire, but not really worthy of the name Diablo. There is a subtle sweetness that some may not want in a hot sauce, but I do like it a lot.

I have around 10 leftover packets that will be put away for a rainy day.

Buzzfeed chap tries to eat 100 packets of it:

It didnt have the same flavor as fire sauce. It was different…

Was not a tacobelly tomato’ish fastfoody spice with an xtra kick.

A single packet on taco supreme might not be enough to offset the sour cream.

Ill go in and get extras next time.

I’m a Fire sauce junkie, keep a fridge full of spare packets. It’s one of my favorite hot sauces. I’m not a stunt eater, the type who only raves about sauces that melt eye brows and cause toilets to coil in fear, I like a hot but flavorful sauce. Most sauces as they get hotter tend to get blander. In an effort to add more and more unadulterated capsaicin they tend to replace well rounded flavor with pure hurt.

That pretty much sums up my analysis of Diablo sauce. It’s definitely hotter than Fire sauce, but I don’t find it better. It’s certainly not TOO hot at all, it’s got a really great heat that Fire sauce somewhat lacks, but it’s also more of a one-note flavor. Vinegar, salt and heat is all I taste. Flavorwise Diablo is to Tabasco as Fire is to Cholula, and I am a Cholula man.

This statement blows my mind. I’ve never seen Fire sauce sold bottled in stores. I must find this immediately.

Really? It’s all over the place around here. The wife loves it, so we always have a few bottles on hand.

Not really hot at all, but very tasty.