Tarquinus The Proud was NOT Proud

His son was Sextus “The Sextus Machine, Whether She Consents or Not, It’s All Good” Tarquinius

Ivan the Terrible was what the Russians call Ivan Grozniy – meaning “terrible” not in the sense of “horrible” but in the sense of "awesome, " as in “Oz the Great and Terrible.”

Ivan was terrible in both senses, of course.

(Australia – Oz – is terrible in neither sense, unless you count the wildlife . . .)

“Slaughtering” is perhaps not the best word . . .

Vlad the Impaler was surprisingly undersexed.

You know, Leto II may have been a God Emperor, and he may have been a Tyrant. Time will judge him accordingly, eventually. Future time, like.

No, that happened after the slaughter. At the Number Six Dance.

Nobody knows if he was fat :). The nickname was coined in the twelfth century ( Charles lived in the ninth ) and was almost certainly related to mistaken impressions of his personality and ability based on political propaganda.

Damn straight!

Charles the Bald’s nickname was contemporary, but may have been ironic. Baldness was considered a source of hilarity in his time and the suggestion has been made that instead of being bald he may actually have been exceptionally hairy ;). But nobody really knows on this one, either.

Just saying.

On a completely unrelated note I charge $25 per three second glance at my exam answers.

I want to get in on this trend, but I need to check my facts first. Who do I see about having Richard the Lionheart exhumed?

Failing that, the alternative is to have every lion from the same time period examined and see if any hearts are missing.

Quiet, you!

The Grand Moffs are the worse.

I have it on good authority that Bloody Mary didn’t present with particularly heavy flow. Also, despite the vicious rumours, Richard I Plantagenet had a perfectly normal, human heart.

Henri IV “the verdant gallant” really was all about the women, however. Would you look at that pimp-ass motherfucker ? Oh yes, lady. He’s mentally undressing you right now.

Vigo the Carpathian, Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised, Vigo the Unholy, Vigo the Scourge of Carpathia, Vigo the Sorrow of Moldavia, was actually . . . well, all of that and a bag of chips, actually. Kicked puppies, too.

Basil the Bulgar-Slayer really did slay Bulgars. Lots of them. For some reason, Bulgars really bugged him.

Ethelred the Unready was actually as well-prepared as anyone reasonably could have been, under the circumstances.

So there.

Was he kinda butch?

You wouldn’t think that an old portrait could mentally undress you, but damned if he isn’t!

Not really. He did, however, want to be a lumberjack.

Well, he was also called “Vigo the Swish.”


Oh yeah. And Kingy likee what he sees. Hm-hmmm, girl.

We can probably get a bunch of these threads out of the way now.
Cap’n Crunch was really an Admiral.
George Washington didn’t do his own laundry, nor did he weigh it.
And Gozer the Gozarian probably didn’t change to a blue eyed, blonde haired child of Germany.

Mostly true, any way. But Moldavia explained it wasn’t really sorrow it was feeling - more like a sense of deep disappointment. Moldavia just felt Vigo could be doing so much more if he applied himself.