Tasteless or nearly tasteless foods

Yuca (Cassava)

There’s a big difference between no taste and subtle taste. But I’ll agree that unripe fruit and store-bought tomatoes come as close to tasteless as possible.

Ha! When I saw this thread title my first thought was “matzoh!” My landlord gives me a box every Passover (thinking, “that’s what the Jews eat, right?” He’s so cute). And there it sits till next year.

You’re not having good rice! :eek:

Hey, I like matzos! And I’m not remotely Jewish. I eat them with peanut butter.

Winter melon. Tastes 99% like water and 1% like generic vegetable flavouring.

Also the chewy rice cakes used in Chinese stir fries and Korean soups (among other places) are pretty bland.

If you let poi sour just a bit, it has a nice tangy flavor. But it has to be fresh. That instant stuff is crap.

Table water crackers. I believe that they actually suck the flavor out of whatever you put on top.

A local “everything’s $1” Salvage Surplus grocery store actually was offering individual table water crackers to customers, to snack on, while shopping there. No topping, no flavors, just a dry plain table water cracker. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jellyfish doesn’t have much flavor.

I hope they at least had water to wash down the dry crumbs!

I think tomatoes can be good in Australia if you choose well. I’ve been living in Germany for the past year and a half though and I have to say the strawberries blew my mind. So juicy. So much flavour. Each bite pure delight. Don’t know if it was their superiority compared to Australia or the accessibility of direct farmer’s produce and the fact that they prioritise seasonal vegetables rather than offering everything all year round.

Strawberries are a funny creature. Supermarket strawberries, presumably shipped from California, are super bland. But I’ve had some from a farmer’s market, and they are bursting with pink yumminess.

Well, there are nice basmati rices out there, etc. But plain white rice is bland.

My wife doesn’t like rice. I was amazed when she told me that, like 17 years ago. Who the hell doesn’t like rice? Any kind of rice? What a dingbat.

[Mitch Hedberg]

I like rice. Rice is great if you’re hungry and you want 2000 of something.

[/Mitch Hedberg]

My vote goes to canned chicken.

Hey, canned chicken and tofu on white rice. Except for a vague feeling of fullness, you wouldn’t even be sure you ate anything recently.

My ex-husband didn’t like rice. He always said, “I ate enough of it during the war!” :rolleyes:

Now his son doesn’t like it. I’m like, “But it doesn’t taste like anything!”

Exactly. I can see maybe not having a taste for curried rice, or wild rice, or perhaps a recipe with fish or something you don’t like, but rice? Plain rice?

Verifiable dingbat.

By the way, has anyone here been to Cakewrecks? Plenty of tasteless food there.

Is water not considered food ? It usually is tasteless.

That’s fascinating I love celery and it’s naturally salty… I can’t imagine UPPING the salt content.

Cucumber, unless you have a sensitivity to it; I know a few people who loathe it, while the rest of us wonder what there is about it to loathe.

I once saw someone on here refer to ‘bland foods, like egg or cheese.’ I wondered what cheeses the poor man had been eating.

I don’t like rice. It’s the texture, I think. I don’t hate it, and wouldn’t refuse to eat it, but I don’t like it. Wholegrain rice is a lot better.