Teen electrocuted while spray painting electrical substation

What’s really amazing to me is that his cell phone survived the electric shock. I would think those suckers would short out.

Let me guess-the lawyer will sue, because the warning signs were NOT in english and spanish! Or maybe, the power company didn’t have a high enough fence? Or (just occurred to me): the kid was actually an art student-he was working on his senior thesis! :smiley:

Nah, the phone wasn’t part of the circuit. Kind of like a bird on a high voltage line.

As far as the shocked versus electrocution debate. I’d rather be electrocuted (dead) than covered 70-80% in electrical burns. Electrical burns start from the **inside **and work their way out.

Well, that’s good to know should I ever be electro… get a really big shock.

I suppose, I remember reading about him jumping the fence, and I though I read something about him opening a door (to a box I assumed), I guess not.

I suppose it’s a good thing he got a shock. I’d feel worse if the guy from the city’s graffiti removal taskforce got zapped instead. Since he got shocked everyone else will be aware of the danger and I’m sure they’ll either cut the power to cover it up, or the person doing the painting will wear appropriate gear.

:smack:, I was thinking of near drowning, which means you’ve passed out.

I have a disturbing/funny image of a beautiful, half finished mural, followed by an electrically induced scribbly line dropping down to the ground. Is that wrong?

So is there a term for what happens to me occasionally when I change out an electrical receptacle and accidentally cross the hot and neutral posts with my finger?

Zapped? Buzzed? Shocked?

I’d go with that last term. Been there, done that. Ouch.

Now I’m getting mental “Castle of Aaaaaaargh” images. Stop that!

Bragging rights is about the only reason I can think of. “Hey guys, I got inside a box and actually tagged it without being electrocuted to death! You don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself!”

Only, you know, he didn’t.

Whoah, I just saw a picture of the dude’s pants. The right leg was completely gone from the knee to the crotch, which was also missing and charred. They say he only has a “slim chance to live,” but, I really don’t feel any sympathy.

Well, I don’t care what he was doing. I feel bad for anyone who “becomes one with the current”. Especially when he wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. I knew a guy who climbed a pole and crispified his hand and arm, which was amputated above the elbow. Not a bright move, but shit…that’s gotta be awful.

Not physically, of course. But he trespassed with the intent to deface property, which would’ve hurt someone financially, and would’ve required that someone(s) expend the effort to clean up his vandalism.

I wouldn’t have sentenced him to near-fatal electric shock if I were a judge, but it’s one of those completely avoidable, self-inflicted misfortunes that doesn’t particularly jerk my tears, either.

Wow. Reminds me of a safety film ConEd showed us in high school about electricity. The highlight was a baboon that escaped from the zoo and blew itself up when it grabbed some high-power lines.

What a complete and utter moron. Still, he’s served a useful purpose by graphically reminding people how dangerous electricity can be.

If his crotch is gone, it sounds like he might be in the running for a Darwin Award, even if he survives. I notice that the story hasn’t been submitted just yet (The search capability isn’t all that great and you can’t sort submissions by date).

Shaking hands with Reddy Kilowatt?

Yes, and that’s why you’re among friends here.

I thought third-degree burns are painless, though. Serious - life threatening, even - but not painful. It’s the second-degree ones which are agonizing.

I had a teacher who said he wanted to die…in class…at his chalkboard…during a lecture…with a chalk mark going off the bottom of the board and the chalk still in his hand.