Tell us one thing about yourself

Michael Madsen was brought into my office for a potential scifi film we were in preproduction on. I had no idea he was coming to the studio, and I didn’t know exactly how to maintain my cool. I showed him some of the concept work we were working on for a character he was considering playing, and after pointing out some boring details, I pointed out a vague area in the art, and said we imagine this is the bathroom, in case your character needs to take a dump.

Got a fucking awesome burst of laughter from him. Great guy, cool as a cucumber, shorter than I thought, alas the film was never produced.

It was pretty surreal. I immediately played Stuck in The Middle With You for the rest of the CG guys as soon as he left the department.

I’ve written more than one million words of fiction. According to Stephen King, my writing is no longer necessarily crap.

Alan F’ing Moore. Writer of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The League of Extraodrdinary Gentleman, etc. Worshipper of a fictional Roman snake god. Well-known freak and gentleman. I’d like to meet him some day, but he scares me, even if people say he’s really nice.

I’ve been shit-canned.

John Scalzi gave me a lift to the airport once.

I’ve been to Yosemite at least once a year over the last 25 years.

I once sat on Danny Glover’s lap.

I grew up in the northwest. When I was 13 I had been to Florida and all along the East coast and back home again, however, I had never been more than 30 miles west of my home.

I have fixed that though and have been to both coasts and the Gulf of Mexico.

I was nominated as an elector for a presidential candidate. Sadly he lost our state so I can’t say I was a member of the electoral college.

A hot air balloon landed in my yard.

I buy lottery tickets and almost never check them.

I did not see Harry Chapin in concert ever because I was very young (6 or 7) and my parents said I could go along to the concert only if I was willing to take an afternoon nap. I wasn’t. So I didn’t go and after he died I was very mad at myself for letting a nap get in my way of having seen him at least once.

I stole a dog once when I was 10 because I loved it so much. Told my mom I payed 10 bucks for it.

When I am horny my eyes are a tad more blue than usual.

I stole a neglected dog with matted fur kept behind a trailer park on a short leash. He had only a bowl of green water. I named him Buddy. And he was.

My name is not Fred.

NEVER. Shit-faced, maybe. Po-faced, sometimes. Horse-faced, I have heard. But duck-faced, never.

Although, damn it, just thinking about it my lips are sort of out of my control and migrating towards the middle of my face.

I can make a snail shell whistle.

I pay to have sick stray/feral cats euthed.

OK, this needs some explaination. I didn’t know that snails whistled.